Learn Together With Lookout Adult Man A Must Encounter Ted Utter On Autism

November, 2014
Below is an fantabulous TED verbalize on autism. Since its publication concluding March, the video has collected over a i M one thousand pageviews. In this TED talk, paediatrician, geneticist in addition to researcher Wendy Chung addresses autism from scientific perspective providing the results reached yesteryear unlike studies. Here is a quote from Wendy's transcript:

"...But autism is non a unmarried condition. It's genuinely a spectrum of disorders, a spectrum that ranges, for instance, from Justin, a 13-year-old man child who's non verbal, who can't speak, who communicates yesteryear using an iPad to acquit upon pictures to communicate his thoughts in addition to his concerns, a piddling man child who, when he gets upset, volition firstly rocking, in addition to eventually, when he's disturbed enough, volition blast his caput to the indicate that he tin give notice genuinely cutting it opened upwards in addition to request stitches. That same diagnosis of autism, though, besides applies to Gabriel, around other 13-year-old man child who has quite a unlike develop of challenges. He's genuinely quite remarkably gifted inwards mathematics. He tin give notice multiple 3 numbers yesteryear 3 numbers inwards his caput amongst ease, notwithstanding when it comes to trying to bring a conversation, he has dandy difficulty. He doesn't brand optic contact. He has difficulty starting a conversation, feels awkward, in addition to when he gets nervous, he genuinely shuts down. Yet both of these boys bring the same diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder."

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