Learn Too Spotter A Novel Poster On Integrating Samr Model Amongst Ipad Apps

September 27, 2014
This is the minute article I posted hither on SAMR iPad apps inwards less than ii weeks. Why? I dearest SAMR together with I detect it a really practiced pedagogical framework that teachers tin depict on to non solely integrate engineering scientific discipline into their instruction only equally good assess the efficiency of this technology. And since iPad is a leitmotif inwards  today's learning, its alignment amongst SAMR model volition definitely assistance teachers inwards making the well-nigh of the educational potential of this versatile device. To this terminate , I am sharing amongst you lot this wonderful illustrative nautical chart I stumbled upon on Apps inwards Education.

 As you lot tin run across the nautical chart outlines the 4 stages of the SAMR model together with provides apps related to each of these stages only unfortunately the apps are non hyperlinked then you lot ask to Google them to access them.

Check out the sum master copy poster from this link.

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