Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man Iv Of Import Youtube Search Tips For Teachers In Addition To Educators

December, 2014
Youtube is definitely i of the powerful video resources for us inwards education. It is in all probability yesteryear far the virtually frequented video platform. Similar to Google search engine, YouTube disposes of a really sophisticated search functionality that is ofttimes overlooked. There are several handy features in addition to tips that nosotros tin work to homecoming our YouTube search much to a greater extent than focused in addition to larn relevant search results.
In this post, I desire to innovate you lot to roughly of these features in addition to demo you lot how you lot tin work them to filter your YouTube video search.

To access whatever of these features, you lot need to run your search enquiry on YouTube in addition to so inwards the kickoff search outcome page, click on "filter".

1- Upload date

YouTube allows you lot to filter your search results yesteryear upload date.You tin thence search for videos that accept been uploaded to YouTube inside :last hour, today, this week, this month, or this year.

2- Search yesteryear type

You tin too search YouTube for certainly video channels, shows, movies, playlists or videos. To create this you lot need to select what you lot desire to search for from the 'type' column .

3- Duration

If you lot are looking for videos amongst specific duration you lot tin select it from the "duration" column. As of correct at in i trial , Duration characteristic on YouTube allows you lot to search for videos that are four minutes or shorter, or videos that are twenty minutes or longer.

4- Search for hard disk videos in addition to 3D videos

The "Features" column allows you lot to select the sort of videos you lot desire to search for on YouTube. You tin for illustration direct whether you lot desire to search for alone hard disk videos, or videos amongst subtitles, Creative Commons videos, in addition to 3D videos.

5- Sorting videos

youTube too provides you lot amongst four unlike criteria to sort your YouTube videos. You tin sort them yesteryear relevance, update date, persuasion count, or rating.

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