Learn As Well As Scout X Things You Lot Likely Didn't Know Nigh Internet

June 28, 2014
Did you lot know that 49% of Internet traffic comes from humans piece the remaining 51% is made upwards of bots? Did you lot know that the kickoff spider web site was created inward 1991? How virtually the fact that it took Internet iv years to accomplish 50.000.000 people precisely it took telly xiii years together with radio eighteen years to accomplish the same milestone? Weird enough, did you lot know that around 65% of all images on the Internet are of naked women?

These together with several other weird facts virtually Internet is the topic of the graphic below. I invite you lot to bring a option together with percentage amongst us what you lot intend of it. Enjoy

Check out the sum graphic from MakeUseof.

 of Internet traffic comes from humans piece the remaining  Learn And Watch 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know virtually Internet
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