Learn As Well As Spotter Awesome Visual Featuring The Seven Signs Of Professional Person Learning

July11, 2014
Here is a useful visual from ASCD featuring seven signs of professional person learning. These are aggregated quips from around authoritative figures inwards the champaign of education. This visual is also available for gratis download from this link.

  • To last successful inwards professional person evolution efforts nosotros must conception backward, starting fourth dimension amongst the pupil learning outcomes. ( Thomas R. Guskey,p. 10)
  • Just every bit surgeons run across observations together with coaching every bit vital to improving their craft, hence should teachers. ( Emily Dolci Grimm, Trent Kaufman, together with Dave Doty, p. 24)
  • We require maintain to scream back that teachers are professionals who role their classrooms every bit innovative laboratories together with wishing to engage inwards authentic learning. (Kristen Swanson, p. 36)
  • Teachers require maintain a peachy bargain of cognition most their do together with their students that is incredibly valuable to other teachers. (Rebecca Van Tassell,p.76)
  • When video recording is shared inwards a means that supports each educator's intrinsic wishing to improve, it tin last a powerful tool for rapid, meaning improvement.  (Jim Knight, p.18)
  • Educators must ensure that professional person learning networks are to a greater extent than than a forum for sharing country of war stories or platform for promoting personal preferences most instruction. (Richard Dufour, p.30)
  • When professional person evolution fails to deliver genuine, face-to-face interactions amongst other people, educators experience cheated.  (John Settlage together with Adam Johnst0n, p.67)

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