Learn In Addition To Sentinel V Time-Saving Gmail Tips For Teachers

June 21, 2014
I spent the whole twenty-four hours today catching upward amongst the piles of emails I create got inwards my inbox in addition to I nevertheless did non accomplish inbox zero. However, piece working on my Gmail, it dawned on me to part amongst you lot approximately useful tips I am using on my Gmail in addition to which tin brand your emailing sense means better.These tips are features provided past times Gmail team. All of features tin locomote accessed from the setting push on the locomote past times correct side :

1- Undo sent messages
If you lot create got hitting the "send" push also shortly or past times error thus the "undo Send" characteristic allows you lot to halt messages from beingness sent for a few seconds afterward hitting the shipping button. You tin gear upward a cancellation catamenia from five to xxx seconds.
Here is how to activate "Undo Send". Click on settings, thus on Labs in addition to tick the "enable" box inwards forepart of "Undo Send"

To gear upward a fourth dimension restrain for your cancellation message. Click on settings in ane trial again in addition to thus on " general" thus select the the timing you lot desire every bit is shown inwards the screenshot below.

2- Image display inwards emails
Gmail automatically shows you lot the images inwards your messages. If you lot create got a tedious Internet connectedness or express mobile data, you lot may desire to modify your setting thus that Gmail asks you lot earlier showing images. This is how to produce it.

Click on settings, thus "general" thus select ane of the options inwards forepart of "images".

3- Change the font of the text of your email
Gmail provides you lot a diversity of text styles to apply to your emails. To modify or select the text means you lot want: click on "General" tab in addition to select a stye from the "default txt style". Here is how to produce it.

Click on "general" thus scroll downwardly to "default text style" in addition to customize the text style.

4- Create contacts for auto-complete
This characteristic when enabled adds whatever novel mortal you lot shipping a message to to your Other Contact list. Next fourth dimension you lot desire to shipping inwards an e-mail to that person, only type inwards the start missive of the alphabet of his/her mention in addition to Gmail volition auto-complete the amount e-mail address. Here is how to produce it

Click on " settings" thus on "general" in addition to scroll downwardly to " create contacts for auto-complete" every bit shown below.

5- Add a signature to your emails
If you lot desire to plow over a professional person await to your emails, you lot in all probability demand to add together a snippet of text at the halt of your e-mail stating who you lot are, your weblog or website, your social media profiles…etc.

Click on " settings" thus on "general" in addition to scroll downwardly to "signature" in addition to add together your text

6- Send automated replies when you lot are on off computer
If you lot become on opor-garai for a few days in addition to you lot know you lot would non create got ay Internet access to cheque your emails in addition to response them, the " Vacation Responder" is a corking characteristic to use. Activating this characteristic allows you lot to type inwards a few lines that volition locomote automatically sent to whoever emails you. You tin gear upward this auto-response organization to run solely on a detail catamenia of time. Here is how to produce it.

Click on " settings" thus on "general" in addition to scroll downwardly to "Vacation responder".

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