Learn In Addition To Sentry Tardily Fashion To Import In Addition To Salve Tweets In Addition To Hashtags Into Google Drive

July 13, 2014
Here is a practical in addition to slowly agency to relieve tweets related to a detail search term or hashtag into a unmarried Google Sheet. You tin hand notice in addition to therefore download this canvass inwards Word or PDF format  or fifty-fifty release it equally an HTML spider web page. This trivial hack yesteryear Digital Inspiration is ideal for teachers using Twitter to grow professionally. Now if y'all don't stimulate got fourth dimension to accept purpose inwards the weekly educational activity chats taking house on Twitter, y'all tin hand notice only exercise a canvass amongst the holler of the hashtag y'all are interested inwards in addition to all tweets mentioning that hashtag volition last featured inwards that sheet. You tin hand notice besides work this hack to proceed rails of what a detail Tweeter (say an influential educator) shares.

The procedure to import tweets related to a hashtag or a given search term is really slowly in addition to simple. Here is how to exercise it :

1- First click HERE to brand a re-create of the Twitter Archiver canvass into your Google Drive.

2- Provide a holler to this sheet. For instance, if y'all desire to import tweets related to the hashtag #edtech , holler your canvass "#edtech". Bear inwards min y'all are naming the canvass non the file.

3- Now caput over to Twitter Apps in addition to exercise a novel app. It exclusively takes a minute. In the Callback URL field, set https://spreadsheets.google.com/macros in addition to relieve your changes. Select the API Keys tab in addition to brand a banker's complaint of the Twitter Consumer Key in addition to Secret.

4- Now larn to your Google Sheet in addition to select Tools, in addition to therefore Script Editor. Copy-paste the Twitter hole-and-corner in addition to fundamental within the editor. Now select the Run menu, pick out Initialize in addition to grant the necessary permissions.

Watch this video to run into this hack inwards action.

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