Learn Together With Sentinel Comic Poster- What Students Should Know Most Creative Common Licenses

July 2, 2014
Here is some other first-class infographic on the dissimilar Creative Commons Licenses. As most of y'all know, Creative Commons (CC) is a licensing non-profit torso that provides content originators amongst dissimilar kinds of licenses that they tin grant to the full general populace to hold upward their work. Instead of "all rights reserved rule" CC plant every bit "some rights reserved rule". Using CC licenses, authors of master copy content tin specify the conditions, freedoms together with limitations for the re-distribution together with re-sharing of their works.

Knowing the deviation betwixt each CC license volition enable our students to brand informed choices together with meliorate hold upward of licensed content they come upward across on the net. To this end, the visual below created past times CC Poland ( I discovered it through Digital Inspiration) outlines the half dozen types of licenses that students should know about. These licenses are accompanied past times curt definitions together with atmospheric condition for hold upward for each 1 of them.

 Here is some other first-class infographic on the dissimilar Creative Commons Licenses Learn And Watch Comic Poster- What Students Should Know well-nigh Creative Commons Licenses

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