Learn Together With Sentinel Pinnacle Visualizations Of Bloom's Taxonomies

April 19, 2014
Today spell I was sifting through my Twitter feed I came across this  great slideshare entitled "Creative Visualizations of Bloom’s Taxonomies!" shared past times Dawsonite. This presentation is created by Zaid Alsagoff, e-learning managing director at the International Medical University (IMU).

Zaid aggregates merely about of the best visuals of Bloom's taxonomy (both the traditional together with the revised versions) including the pop wheels I accept shared hither a spell ago. Under each visual is a link to the page where y'all tin thought the master copy visual. I am equally good adding this operate to " Blooms Taxonomy Resources" page hither inwards .

Have a await together with percentage amongst us what y'all intend of it. Enjoy

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