Learn As Well As Lookout Adult Man Facebook Has Simply Released A Novel Ipad App Called Paper

February3, 2014
Today marks the official disclose of Facebook's newest app Paper into the app store. This app is initially available exclusively inward the the U.S. in addition to a afterwards international version is to travel released afterwards on.

Paper allows users to share stories from friends in addition to the globe inward immersive designs in addition to fullscreen, distraction-free layouts. Paper includes your Facebook News Feed in addition to sections nigh your favorite topics inward horizontal cards that yous tin flip through amongst a side-ways swipe. Think of it similar Flipboard or Digg.

Here is a listing of roughly of the major features of Paper
  • · Browse stories from your Facebook News Feed inward beautiful novel layouts.
  • · Customize your Paper amongst sections nigh your favorite themes in addition to interests.
  • · Unfold beautifully designed article covers for intelligence in addition to stories from trusted sources.
  • · Tilt the enshroud to explore brilliant high-resolution photos in addition to encounter details upwards close.
  • · Watch fullscreen videos that come upwards to life in addition to fill upwards the screen.
  • · Use simple, natural movements to pollex through Paper uninterrupted.
  • · Craft your ain stories in addition to encounter just what your posts volition await similar earlier yous part them.
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