Learn In Addition To Sentinel The V Elements Students Should Hold Back For When Evaluating Spider Web Content

March , 2014
In a department inwards her wonderful mass "Understanding The Social Lives of Networked Teens" Danah Boyd talked extensively almost the concept of digital natives together with argued that this nomenclature does non actually capture the essence of what a digitally savvy teenager actually means. Dana argued that the mere fact of existence comfortable alongside a social media tool does non evidence that the user has a digital fluency to permit them to ameliorate utilization it for educational purposes :

Just because teens are comfortable using social media to hang out does non hateful that they’re fluent inwards or alongside technology. Many teens are non nearly every bit digitally goodness every bit the often-used supposition that they are “digital natives” would suggest. The teens I met knew how to larn to Google exactly had trivial agreement almost how to arrive at a interrogation to larn character data from the popular search engine. They knew how to utilization Facebook, exactly their agreement of the site’s privacy settings did non mesh alongside the ways inwards which they configured their accounts. As sociologist Eszter Hargittai has quipped, many teens are to a greater extent than probable to last digital naives than digital natives.

Learning how to evaluate online content is an essential pace inwards the procedure of developing  digitally literate students. I accept already featured several materials on strategies together with skills for students to evaluate spider web content together with today I am adding a bang-up resources from Lisa Hartman. The presentation below features the five elements ( CRAAP ) students should await for when evaluating online content. These elements according to Lisa are :
  • Currency
  • Relevance
  • Authority 
  • Accuracy 
  • Purpose 
Watch this curt introduction to CRAAP

  •  Is the data also old.
  •  Is it nonetheless valid?
  •  Do yous know how sometime the data is?
  •  Does it fit your needs?
  •  Was it intended for you, or written for roughly other audience? (example: children, scientists).
  •  Does it brand feel to utilization this spider web page?
  • Who is publishing this information? Organization , Person ?
  • Are they experts?
  •  Do yous trust them?
  • Can yous contact them or their arrangement for to a greater extent than information, or to brand corrections?
  •  Is the data reliable, truthful, together with correct?
  •  Does it agree other data you’ve found?
  •  Professional appearance – Do yous run into spelling or grammer errors?
  •   Is it good organized together with tardily to navigate?
  •  Are they citing their sources?
  •  Why does this Website exist?
  •  Is it at that topographic point to inform together with educate?
  •  Is it trying sell yous or convince yous of something?

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