Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man A Comprehensive Listing Of Apps In Addition To Tools To Flip Your Classroom

For those of y'all intent on employing the flipped learning model inwards their instruction, nosotros cause got curated a develop of of import spider web tools to assistance y'all exercise the appropriate flipped classroom surroundings for your students. Check them out below too equally ever permit us know what y'all intend of them. Enjoy

1- Explain Everything
Explain Everything is an easy-to-use blueprint tool that lets y'all annotate, animate, too narrate explanations too presentations. You tin exercise dynamic interactive lessons, activities, assessments, too tutorials using Explain Everything's flexible too integrated design.
2- Knowmia
Knowmia is a bang-up website that offers thousands of video lessons from bang-up teachers unopen to the world. It is also a platofrm where teachers tin role uncomplicated too slow tools to exercise too personalize brusk video lessons for students of their ain school. These video lessons are made at nowadays available on Knowmia along alongside other lessons from all over the spider web too anyone tin stance too access them.

3- Edmodo
Edmodo is some other bang-up spider web tool y'all tin role to flip your classroom. You tin exercise a classroom grouping at that spot too hand students access to it. Once at that spot they tin participate inwards out-of cast  discussions, cause got polls, collaborate on assignments too cast projects, inquire each other questions...etc

4- Screencasting tools
Here is a host of some bang-up spider web tools to exercise screencasts too video tutorials. All of these tools are free, slow to role too cause got a pupil friendly interface.

For to a greater extent than tools to flip your classroom , hither is a bang-up listing from Ducman . depository fiscal establishment agree it out
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