Learn In Addition To Scout V Skilful Resources For Historical Maps

1- David Rumsey map collection

The historical map collection has over 43,000 maps together with images online. The collection focuses on rare 18th together with 19th century North American together with South American maps together with other cartographic materials. Historic maps of theWorld, Europe, Asia, together with Africa are too represented.

2- Mapping History Project

The MHP is designed t render interactive together with animated representations of key historical problems together with illustrations of historical events, developments, together with dynamics.

3- Old Maps Online

The OldMapsOnline Portal is an easy-to-use gateway to historical maps inwards libraries closed to the world. It allows the user to search for online digital historical maps across numerous unlike collections via a geographical search. Search yesteryear typing a place-name or yesteryear clicking inwards the map window, together with narrow yesteryear date. The search results render a straight link to the map ikon on the website of the host institution.

4- Library of Congress Map Collection

The Geography together with Map Division of the Library of Congress holds to a greater extent than than 4.5 ane M 1000 items, of which Map Collections represents solely a modest fraction, those that accept been converted to digital form.The focus of Map Collections is Americana together with Cartographic Treasures of the Library of Congress. These images were created from maps together with atlases and, inwards general, are restricted to items that are non covered yesteryear copyright protection.

5- Historic Map works

This is a historic digital map database of North America together with the footing together with which includes :
  • United States Property Atlases
  • Antiquarian Maps
  • Nautical Charts
  • Birdseye Views
  • Special Collections (Celestial Maps, Portraits, together with other historical images)
  • Directories together with other text documents
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