Learn As Well As Scout Wonderful Google Tutorials As Well As Lessons On Spider Web Security As Well As Digital Citizenship

ThinkB4U is an online projection created out of a partnership between Google Inc. too practiced security partners Common Sense Media, ConnectSafely, too the National Consumers League. It's primary objective is to prepare Internet users ( kids, parents, adults, teachers ) virtually of import topics such equally the protection of one's online identity, spider web safety, prophylactic purpose of cellphones, digital citizenship too critical thinking skills.

This site, designed past times Fuel Industries, includes 3 primary components that are meant to endure explored together.

Each place -- Home, School, Mall -- includes several video shorts virtually a modern family's sense online. You decide which path the delineate of piece of job solid unit of measurement members receive got at the critical conclusion point. Do yous text that to your boyfriend? Do yous buy that ukulele? These shorts are simply snapshots of to a greater extent than complicated issues. But, they all get to address a key message of taking a minute to holler back earlier acting.

As yous stance each video, yous tin flame collect interactive objects! An object opens upward a quick game virtually the bailiwick of the video. Once yous collect the object, yous tin flame access it at anytime during your session.

When yous scroll downwards the site, yous volition discovery complementary messages targeted for each audience -- Students, Parents, Educators. These messages intend to nail a quick educational point. If yous desire to discovery out to a greater extent than virtually the subject, simply click the link below the message. This volition opened upward up a pop-up amongst tips, advice, too links to partner resources.

Make certain to cheque out the resources equally linked inwards the educators' too parents' sections of the site! These resources indicate to curriculum too advice provided past times Common Sense Media ConnectSafely, too National Consumers League.
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