Love To Bake Steamed Pumpkin Muffins

For mothers out there, pregnancy is a wonderful experience. The changes that 1 goes thru thoughout the pregnancy is sometimes weird together with unanticipated.

I've heard of people eating toothpaste, eating shoe smoothen or some respect clay to live tasty. Disgusting, right? But I've exclusively heard near such incidences where those people genuinely eat a express diet, together with they mightiness live malnourished inwards some agency together with the trunk makes together with thence comsume something that inwards nature contains the nutrient that the woman rear thence needed. I've never heard of funny stories from people who lived inwards town, or consumes a veriety of nutrient together with never impoverished.

In 1 of the schools I worked inwards before, the schoolhouse cleaner 1 time chatted amongst me, near how she survived all her pregnancies craving for toothpaste, consuming exclusively cream crackers amongst chilli glue together with drinking exclusively tap H2O for nine months!! The residuum are all, yucks to her. And she was the 1 who told me stories about people who eat funny stuff, together with those people are relatives of hers.  Hard to believe? But I approximate it could live true. Just that nosotros are likewise privileged to live inwards contact amongst people who are never deprived of proper food.

When I was pregs amongst Lydia, from calendar week five onwards, I was binging. Eating meals, non snacks every three hours. I gained four kg inwards exactly two weeks. Mike looked at me inwards horror, to reckon the agency that I'm eating.I told him, I can't aid it, my stomach is growling furiously.  But when calendar week seven came by, my appetite dropped drastically. I could eat aught except fruits. Food made from rice were the worse. From congee to vermicelli, they all odour yucks! I could await at a burger, exactly look. I don't experience similar picking it up. And if I alternative it up, I won't experience similar biting. And if I finally chip into it, I don't experience similar chewing. After chewing, I don't desire to swallow it. The whole eating procedure is exactly a torture to me. But if I reckon fruits, I tin eat together with eat. I dropped seven kg throughout this hard period. Which was three kg less compared to pre pregnancy. If I wasn't binging during early on pregnancy, I'd lose fifty-fifty more.

Actually that time, my hormones were all crazy together with I was having bad constipation. Constipation during pregnancy is due to the increment of progesterone. It's the agency that my body reacted together with helped me to overcome the occupation that I was facing yesteryear rejected all foods except fruits. Taking inwards whatever that is needed to aid the mother. When the constipation stopped at calendar week 14, my appetite came back, inwards a snap! Even now, I totally believe inwards listening to my body. Eat when it tells u to, together with don't eat when it doesn't say u to. So, if I crave, there's no excuse for non eating. That's 1 pretty expert excuse. Hahahaha!

This time, the pregnancy affected non my appetite, but my kitchen mojo. It hitting me thence bad that I don't desire to launder my cup. I didn't desire to touching the sink, didn't desire to fix anything at all. I didn't bake anything out of fun, but exclusively out of neccesity. I was craving for something amongst kokosnoot milk, thence I made together with oil-less pandan chiffon. It was Mike's birthday and  I made him Chocolate Enigma Cake. With the extra cream from the cake, I baked some other cake (I'll post that inside this week) And I did a sponsored post amongst a wellness production that I've promised agency earlier my pregnancy. I didn't fix a proper repast for almost four months!! We were eating out daily. Now that I'm at calendar week 22, I'm pretty much the erstwhile me now. Not all there, but almost. Still non cooking three dishes 1 soup, but 1 plate meals mostly, similar noodles, pasta, fried rice, and congee mostly. Won't telephone telephone them 1 pot meals every bit cooking rice uses 1 pot together with frying uses some other wok. LOL.

Funny right? Hard to believe? I was notwithstanding posting daily, right? hahaha! What yous are seeing were usually posts thence stale that they were made months ago. Haha! I notwithstanding receive got lots of dorsum logs to lastly me til I movement inwards March.

So now, if yous intend that this bun inwards me is a sausage roll, which explained the unlike pregnancy experience, nah!!! Even Lydia together with Lyanne weren't the same. Being pregs amongst Lyanne was a breeze. I loved food, particularly white plain rice during the offset three months, whereas I hated rice when I had Lydia. Both were burgers, together with yet, different. Even now, both girls are really different. One is lingustic, the other technical together with artistic. Haha.

Enough pregs talk, let's nutrient talk.
This is the offset matter I made, correct later I got dorsum my mojo at calendar week 16. And I attempted this recipe twice.

First elbow grease flopped bad time. Simply because I read inwards 1 of the comments that aunty Yochana said the baking pulverization has to live double activeness baking powder, whereas the recipe itself called for exclusively baking powder. My offset elbow grease used DABP together with weirdly the muffin was super dense together with tasted sourish. I’ve encountered this when I exactly substituted regular baking pulverization amongst DABP together with my baking results were e'er less than acceptable.

So, amongst some pumpkin left, directly I did my 2nd elbow grease amongst exactly regular baking powder. The results were wonderful, all grin happily together with they were all soft together with fluffy. I’m at nowadays wondering how the sense of savor volition live amongst kokosnoot milk… perchance adjacent time.

Steamed Pumpkin Muffins
Adapted from Aunty Yochana
Yields12 steamed muffins (I used egg tart pans)

125gm steamed pumpkin flesh
1 egg
120gm sugar
100gm evaporated milk or kokosnoot milk
30gm corn oil

180gm cake flour
20gm rice flour
1.5tsp baking pulverization

1. Prepare your steamer together with select the H2O to a boil
2. Put steamed pumpkin flesh, egg, sugar, milk together with crude inwards blender together with whizz for xxx seconds.
3. Sift cake flour, rice flour together with baking pulverization into a mixing bowl.
4. Make a good inwards the optic of the flour mixture together with pour the blended ingredients into the well. Mix until good combined.
5. Spoon into lined steaming cups together with steam on high oestrus for fifteen minutes. It volition blossom yesteryear itself, no withdraw to brand a cross amongst oil.

I beloved this. My kids beloved this. My wife the pumpkin hater said nothing. But delight don't enquire me if this sense of savor similar Fatt Gou, I receive got no idea. I've never eaten a proper fatt gou inwards my life, except once, a really very dry out yucky one. The muffin stays soft the adjacent day, non every bit soft every bit fresh from the steamer, but acceptable fifty-fifty when cold.

See Lydia's thumb????


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