New Homemade Minute Hot Chocolate Mix – Especial Final Infinitesimal Edible Christmas Gift Idea!

So, you lot didn’t precisely operate your Christmas shopping done early on this year. In fact, it’s Christmas Eve, too you lot haven’t started yet. Well, you’re inward luck, because there’s such a affair every bit this homemade instant hot chocolate mix. We actually shouldn’t endure rewarding you lot for procrastinating, but that’s precisely what nosotros are doing here. 

Not alone is this materials agency ameliorate tasting, too contains no “how practice you lot pronounce that?” ingredients, but it too takes only seconds to make, too you lot may already conduct keep everything you lot postulate inward the pantry. Just brand certain i of those things is a real high character cocoa powder.

I’m linking to the same exact Dutch-processed “cocoa rouge" that I used here, too thus that you lot tin operate all the particulars, too hopefully notice something real similar. The ameliorate the cocoa, the ameliorate the hot chocolate. Or is it hot cocoa? Either way.

By the way, this volition endure the final video of the year, too we’ll endure taking a niggling intermission until the New Year. Whether it includes homemade hot chocolate or not, I desire to wishing you lot too yours a real Merry Christmas, too Happy New Year! And, every bit always, enjoy!

Makes plenty for almost twenty cups of hot chocolate:
1 loving cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 loving cup white sugar
1 teaspoon fine salt
pinch of cayenne
- Use ii tablespoons per loving cup of hot milk
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