Baking Bacon For The Perfect Blt

If I had a dollar for every asking I've received for a BLT video, I'd convey plenty coin to purchase a lot of bacon. I’ve never gotten roughly to doing one, generally because practice yous actually ask a video to brand a BLT? 

However, I convey wanted to demonstrate this picayune play tricks for making bacon past times baking; together with it gave me the perfect chance to demonstrate off my vision of what the perfect bacon, lettuce, together with tomato plant sandwich looks like.

I recommend using heavy-duty foil for this, equally it’s a picayune easier to function with, simply regular foil volition practice the job. Like I said inwards the video, equally long equally yous practice some variety of valleys for the fatty to menses into, the technique volition function equally shown. The resultant is perfectly flat, perfectly crisp, yet withal succulent strips.

Your cooking fourth dimension is going to vary depending on how thick the bacon is, then I’d starting fourth dimension peeking at nigh 15-20 minutes, together with become from there. You tin sack crowd the bacon to a greater extent than that I did, together with it’s okay if it’s rattling slightly overlapping, since it volition shrink equally it cooks. Just banking concern stand upward for later on nigh 10-15 minutes, together with re-space the pieces if needed. I actually promise yous laissez passer on this cracking bacon technique a effort soon. Enjoy!

Bake bacon at 375 F. for 25-30 minutes, or until yous make your desired degree of doneness.
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