Love To Bake Cabbage Salad Amongst Chuka-Fu Dressing - Tardily Japanese Fare #3

About 10 years ago, when I was nevertheless inwards Klang Valley, I frequent this Japanese eatery Ryu Men Tei inwards Subang Jaya on a weekly basis. I convey to a greater extent than or less eaten virtually 90% of what is on their menu. My together with then bf, similar a shot husband, loves the eating theater every bit well. The eating theater was ever packed, fifty-fifty on weekdays.

Whenever nosotros become at that topographic point for dinner, together with if nosotros gild the dinner bento set, it comes together amongst a cabbage chuka-fu salad together with chawan mushi. I ever savor the salad every bit the sourish dressing actually gets my appetite going. We stopped frequenting the eating theater when nosotros decided to instruct married together with had to trim back our expenditure to salve upwardly for the wedding, LOL

After nosotros got married..... i 24-hour interval when nosotros take in the eating theater again.

In but i twelvemonth plus.... the scenario seemed to convey changed. Food tastes the same..but the crowd was no longer there. More together with to a greater extent than Japanese restaurants convey sprouted together with it seems, trace of piece of job concern has grown tough.

Now, I seriously create non know how the eating theater is doing....

Japanese Cabbage Salad
Tasted together with recreated yesteryear WendyinKK
Serves 2

1 heaped loving cup of finely sliced cabbage
8 slices of Japanese cucumbers
four Slices of Tomatoes
few lemon wedges
Toasted sesame seeds

Chuka-fu Dressing
three tsp rice vinegar
two tsp low-cal soy sauce
two tsp sugar
1 tsp sesame oil

Mix the dressing ingredients together together with taste.
The gustation should last good balanced, if not, arrange to your preference

To serve
Divide vegetables into two portions together with drizzle the dressing over.
Sprinkle amongst sesame seeds every bit garnish

*Toss it earlier eating

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Nippon Month
hosted yesteryear Alan of Travelling Foodies
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