Love To Bake Creamy Prawn Curry @ Chingri Malaikari @ - Aff Indian Subcontinent #10

I dear love dear this prawn dish! And I'm going to repeat this dish quite oftentimes inwards the future. It's rattling nice.

After I cooked this dish, I realized why this is a dish that Bongs volition serve whenever they pick out guests. It's because it is slow together with delicious!

Frying the prawns earlier adding to the gravy is a lovely footstep to add together flavour. Just similar Cantonese means of cooking prawns, nosotros similar to give the prawns a high oestrus searing or a quick deep tiddler to heighten the flavour. And don't piece of job out out the shells. That's where the season is. If you lot sear it amongst or without the shells, the fragrance volition hold upward manifestly different. And to come across this technique applied to this prawn curry is actually an optic opener.

In Bangladeshi restaurants, it's normally cooked amongst large prawns or lobsters, rhythm out on. But since I pick out some medium prawns, I merely used that. Some recipes didn't postulate heed using smaller prawns together with some fifty-fifty usage the prawn flesh only, without whatever shells at all.

I cooked this dish amongst reference to 2 recipes, taking some purpose from this together with some purpose from that. I prefer cumin over coriander together with I prefer ruddy chilli pulverization over fresh dark-green chilli. The residual pretty much remains for both recipes.

Mustard crude is an of import element when it comes to cooking seafood inwards Bangladesh, together with I substituted it amongst crude flavoured amongst mustard seeds. I know it could hold upward different, but that's the best that I tin flaming do.

I'm actually glad I tried out this dish.

Creamy Prawn Curry Bangladeshi Style
Reference: My Saffron Kitchen 

300gm prawns
1/4 tsp salt
pinch of turmeric

1 tsp mustard seeds
three Tbsp oil
1cm ginger
1 pocket-size onion

1 inch cinnamon
three cloves
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 pocket-size Indian bay leaf
1 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder

150ml kokosnoot milk
100 ml water

1. Clean prawns together with marinate amongst tabular array salt together with turmeric.
2. Grate or grind ginger together with onion to a paste.
3. Heat wok/pan together with seat inwards three Tbsp oil. Put inwards mustard seeds together with allow them produce until they sputter. Turn off the oestrus together with withdraw the seeds*.
4. On high heat, sear the prawns until they curlicue up. Push them to the side, together with allow excess crude drip downward into the wok.
5. With the same crude together with wok , on medium depression heat, saute cinnamon, cumin together with cloves first, for a few seconds. Add inwards ginger together with onion, together with saute until it looks glossy. Add inwards chilli pulverization together with turmeric pulverization together with produce for to a greater extent than or less 10 seconds.
6. Add inwards H2O together with kokosnoot milk. Stir it gently all the while. Add inwards some tabular array salt to sense of savor together with produce until the gravy reaches your preferred consistency
7. Add inwards the prawns together with pick out it dorsum to a boil. Turn off the oestrus together with dish up.

* I sprinkled the fried mustard seeds onto some stir fried cabbage. No wastage.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Indian Subcontinent Month
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