Love To Bake Fish Pie - Fish Calendar Week #2

Fish pie is a traditional British dish. Read to a greater extent than close it here. If I were to brand this 1 time again alongside to a greater extent than seafood, I'll mention it equally recipes/fishermanspie_1914" target="_blank">Fisherman's pie.

During that time, my blood brother inwards police trace dines alongside us on calendar week days.I idea this pie was huge together with when my BIL said he won’t hold upwards coming for dinner, I was worried it won’t hold upwards finished, but I was wrong. My married adult man together with I ate it all alongside pleasure. LOL.

So good!

look at the ooozing sauce.....

I was shopping at Jusco, saw unopen to dill together with of a abrupt idea of making Cullen Skink. It was a recipe that I bookmarked long ago. I knew I had potatoes at dwelling together with milk too, together with hence I grabbed a handbag of frozen sutchi, or which are Pangasisus dory (ikan patin) alongside a glamourous name. I was glad these sutchi didn’t odor dingy equally unopen to might.

When I came dwelling together with checked the recipe for Cullen Skink, it called for smoked cod. Oh well...bought the incorrect fish together with can't abide by it, can't larn it together with so.... fish pie came into beingness instead.

I made together with assembled this pie inwards advance (1pm) equally I had to produce any I tin forcefulness out spell Reuben is sleeping. It wasn’t difficult but I had to adapt the recipe inwards a lot of ways. I ran out of onions but had jump onions together with shallots together with I definitely prefer these over onions. Spring onions are wonderful inwards removing unpleasant fishy smells, improve than ginger. When I was making the sauce I also constitute that the recipe called for equally good much flour alongside equally good picayune milk. So, I had to add together a lot to a greater extent than milk to sparse downwardly the sauce to a preferable consistency together with indeed it came to an total only overnice to encompass the fish.

Yummy cheesy mash!

When my married adult man ate this, he said, this seems fattening.. well, err… it’s only 55gm butter inwards all. If I were to prepare Chinese dishes, I’ll hold upwards using crude too, together with there’s no cream inwards this. The creaminess came from the flour together with milk. Maybe the squelch topping is creating a feeling of sinfulness, but inwards actual fact, this dish is non that evil.

Psttt.. I made this inwards January 2012 when Reuben was notwithstanding a sleepy infant :)
Now he's almost three together with running around

Tender Fish :)

Fish Pie
Recipe majorly adapted from : recipes/3174/fish-pie--in-four-steps" target="_blank">BBC Good Food 
Serves : 2-4

500gm fish fillets
500ml fresh milk
two jump onions, white business office only
two shallots, thickly sliced
two bay leaves
Some soil dark pepper

25gm butter
20gm flour
Salt to taste
Some fresh parsley, chopped

Mashed Potatoes (see below)
two slices of cheddar cheese
three difficult boiled eggs

1. Place fish fillets inwards pan together with top alongside milk. Add inwards jump onions, shallots, bay leaves together with dark pepper. Heat until the side bubbles together with lower to the lowest heat, allow it simmer for 8 minutes.
2. Take fish out onto a nine inch baking dish together with pause it apart into large flakes. Strain milk, top away along aside together with discard the rest. (I choice out the shallots together with seat them onto the fish). Cut difficult boiled eggs into long quarters together with accommodate over fish.
3. In a pan, on medium depression heat, estrus butter until the bubbles almost disappears. Put inwards flour together with prepare for a while. Keep the estrus depression or plow off heat(to hold upwards safe) together with seat inwards milk (from poaching fish) gradually, stirring to comprise the milk to the flour. Mix until the sauce is smooth. Cook until sauce thickens (it volition thicken a lot farther when cooled down). Season alongside tabular array salt together with pepper. Toss inwards the chopped parsley. Spoon sauce over fish inwards dish.
4. Top the pie alongside mash, making certain the surface is good covered alongside mash. Chop cheddar cheese together with sprinkle it over the mash. Let pie sit down for 1 lx minutes or a few(sitting at room temperature volition movement the chopped cheddar slices to melt together with spread)
5. Bake at 180(fan)/200C for xxx minutes or until cheese is golden. (I didn’t bother to preheat the oven)

*pie tin forcefulness out hold upwards assembled 1 twenty-four hours ahead together with baked earlier serving

before baking

Mashed Potatoes topping

500gm Russet potatoes (peeled weight)
30gm butter
½-2/3 loving cup of milk
Salt to taste

1. Peel together with cutting potatoes into chunks.
2. Boil inwards H2O until they soften.
3. Drain potatoes together with squelch alongside butter.
4. Put inwards milk gradually together with adjust to a creamy consistency, almost similar whipped cream. (take Federal Reserve notation that squelch volition larn firmer when cooled down).
5. Season alongside tabular array salt together with purpose it to top the pie.
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