Love To Bake Indonesian Curry Prawns 印尼咖喱虾- Hee Hee Ha Ha #3

I am non certain of the origins of this dish. But it's a pop prawn dish inward Malaysia's Chinese restaurants.
Maybe due to the purpose of shrimp glue inward this curry dish, I am non sure. It could simply last a refer for this dish.
So, if yous know of the origins, create allow me know.

This prawn dish is i of my favourites to order. When I was pregs amongst Reuben, I craved for curries, soupy curries. I ordered this dish real oft together with drenched my rice amongst it. That's pure bliss. And now... Reuben truly loves curries. Serious!

I cooked this dish, the agency I tasted it at a local eating seat here. There are many versions out in that place every bit each eating seat does it their ain way. It's soupy, brothy prawn curry that isn't hot, err... to me it isn't hot. It mightiness last otherwise for yous if yous can't stimulate got heat. My wife said I stimulate got a numb tongue, LOL.

Indonesian Curry Prawns
Tasted together with recreated past times WendyinKK

500gm prawns, feelers snipped short
1/2 ruby-red onion, cutting into wedges
two shallots
two cloves of garlic
two ruby-red chilli
2cm belacan (abt 1 tsp)
1 Tbsp Indian meat curry powder
1 lemon grass, bruised
two stalks of curry leaf, leafs detached
200ml kokosnoot milk
Chicken stock pulverization to taste

1. Grind shallot, garlic, chilli together with belacan together.
2. Heat wok until real hot together with set inward onions. Give it a few tosses thus set inward almost 1 tsp of oil, simply a niggling crude volition do. Toss it until about parts await mildly charred. If it smokes, it'll last GREAT! Remove together with laid aside.
3. Put inward two Tbsp crude (or more) together with saute the chilli glue until it looks glossy. Put inward curry powder, one-half the curry foliage together with lemon grass, develop it for a while. Put inward 1 loving cup of water, convey it to a boil together with allow it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Season amongst chicken stock pulverization together with become inward moderately over salted.
4. Add inward prawns together with kokosnoot milk. Gently stir it together with allow it come upwards dorsum to a boil until the prawns whorl upwards together with plough pinkish all over.
5. Return the onion wedges together with the remainder of curry foliage to the wok, stir together with dish up.

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