Love To Bake Kampar H2o Ice Kacang 金宝杂雪 - Perak Mff#7

Ice Kacang or some telephone outcry upwardly ABC is a mutual dessert establish all over Malaysia as well as Singapore. It may larn alongside other names inwards other countries inwards this region. I telephone outcry upwardly it Jaap Suut 杂雪  , similar nigh Cantonese speaking Kamparians do.

Generally there's non much rules regarding Ice Kacang.. unlike shops uses unlike ingredients. The type of ingredients that I receive got encountered inwards all the H2O ice kacangs I receive got eaten all over Malaysia make from roasted peanuts, attap chee, agar-agar cubes, kokosnoot shreds, canned cocktail fruits, canned longans, lychees, kidney beans, or fifty-fifty preserved nutmeg fruit shreds. Just anything goes into this dessert as well as it's upwardly to the seller's imagination to make.

But inwards Kampar, that is non the case.

Kampar manner H2O ice kacang has a minimal make of ingredients. That is cendol, grass jelly, pinkish sago pearls, sweetened azuki beans, creamed corn, evaporated milk as well as of course.. the syrup. There is a alternative of cerise syrup or gula melaka, as well as nigh of the time, they come upwardly alongside ONLY gula melaka. The gula melaka syrup hither is on the nighttime side, that I suspect is mixed alongside nighttime brownish carbohydrate due to cost. There are some stalls that add together inwards agar cubes(Gold Wing), or fifty-fifty shredded immature kokosnoot (if you're lucky at Gerai 36, I forgot the stall's release but it's handled yesteryear an elderly human being as well as his son, as well as this stall adds inwards 1/2 Tbsp of kokosnoot milk into their H2O ice kacang), but the basic ingredients stay the same.

Authentic erstwhile fourth dimension Kampar H2O ice kacang does non receive got H2O ice cream. But equally fourth dimension goes by, it seems to live a novel tendency to add together H2O ice cream, although it's optional. But if yous enquire me, volition I add together H2O ice cream? I won't, because  it totally spoils the taste.  My swain blogger friend Annie who is too from Kampar, is alongside me on this. Big NO NO to H2O ice cream.

Back inwards those days.... I retrieve when I was 5, H2O ice kacang was exclusively forty cents. Then it became 50 cents, as well as then lx as well as then 80, as well as then RM1 as well as RM1.30 as well as I mean value it's either RM2.50 or RM3 per bowl, without the H2O ice cream. Wondering why the salary scale doesn't ascent this way. The nigh famous H2O ice kacang inwards town was no doubtfulness Foong Mun Kee, situated along Jalan Idris. The store has H2O ice kacang equally its principal special as well as another materials that I practise non retrieve of. Back inwards those days, earlier the highway was built, out of town passers yesteryear volition purposely drib yesteryear simply to receive got H2O ice kacang at this shop. The sense of savor is robust as well as intense. Not something nosotros tin forcefulness out uncovering elsewhere. It was difficult to larn a table... nowadays, describe concern is far less busy. I retrieve when I was a kid, I rarely saw the H2O ice shaver stopping whenever I transcend yesteryear the shop. It was e'er shaving as well as shaving, likely stopping simply to alter H2O ice blocks. And receive got aways takes at to the lowest degree fifteen minutes to wait. One tin forcefulness out house the gild as well as drive around town for a while, as well as come upwardly dorsum to collect.
That was, those days.

Kampar Style Ice Kacang
Tasted as well as recreated yesteryear WendyinKK 

Unsweetened Grass jelly, cubed
Cendol, drained
Azuki beans, cooked as well as sweetened (You tin forcefulness out reserve some from your cerise edible bean soup)
Sago pearls (cook them inwards boiling cerise dyed H2O until translucent, rinse alongside running tap H2O as well as soak inwards H2O ice H2O for a brusk while)
Canned Cream manner Corn
Evaporated milk
Dark Gula Melaka Syrup
Shaved H2O ice or crushed H2O ice if yous can't larn them shaved

Put 1 Tbsp each grass jelly cubes, cendol, azuki beans, as well as sago pearls into the bowl. Top alongside shaved ice. Pack it tight. Drizzle alongside nighttime gula melaka syrup as well as evaporated milk. Top alongside a Tbsp of creamed corn. Serve immediately.

Dark Gula Melaka syrup
-the argue I emphasize it beingness nighttime is because some (not inwards Kampar) makes it low-cal brown.

100gm gula kabung (nipah palm sugar) or 50gm nighttime brownish carbohydrate + 50gm gula melaka
100ml water
1 blade of pandan leaf, shredded.

Bring it to a boil as well as allow it simmer for fifteen minutes or until fragrant. Strain as well as cool downwards earlier use.

Avoid the H2O ice cream if yous ever receive got a conduct a opportunity to consume this inwards Kampar, 
Savour the truthful flavor of the H2O ice kacang.

I am submitting this to WendyinKK of Table for ii or more
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