Love To Bake Kashmiri Pulao - Aff Indian Rice Dishes #2

I tried this recipe to a greater extent than than a twelvemonth ago... been wanting to redo it, because I used equally good much saffron! The recipe called for 1/2 tsp. I should've followed the recipe alongside two pinches. The whole affair turned out equally good xanthous as well as the aroma was strong! But alas.... it never realized.

So, only permit it be....

It's a fruity rice. Either yous similar it or loathe it. I asked my friend , Heera from Bombay as well as she told me, restaurants in that place ever serve it alongside to a greater extent than or less fried paneer cubes. But it seems... the recipes online doesn't.
So, since I can't larn paneer here, as well as milk is a luxury to hold upward strained for that chip of curd.. I didn't brand whatever myself. I followed the online recipes only similar they are.

Frankly... I would prefer Mishti pulao over this one, I blame myself for non doing it correct alongside the saffron.
I served my rice with Gobi 65 as well as fried chicken marinated alongside excess batter from the Gobi 65

Kashmiri Pulao

For 6-8 pax
Reference: Jeyashri's Kitchen and Vimithaa

500gm basmathi rice, washed as well as soak for xx mins.
½ loving cup milk
½ tsp saffron strands
Ghee for cooking
1 loving cup cashew halves

1 loving cup pomegranate arils
1 loving cup pineapple, diced small
1 loving cup raisins
Some fried onions

iv cardamom pods
iv cloves
1 bay leaf
two inches cinnamon stick
½ inch ginger + two cloves garlic, grated

1L boiling water
½ Tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar

1. Heat the milk as well as set inwards saffron to infuse.
2. Heat ghee inwards wok as well as gently nipper the cashews until lightly golden, drain as well as kicking the bucket on aside.
3. With remaining ghee inwards wok, saute spices as well as ginger garlic until fragrant.
4. Add inwards drained rice as well as stir until good coated alongside the ghee. Add inwards raisins.
5. Transfer to your preferred rice cooking vessel, add together water, 1/2 of the saffron milk, tabular array salt as well as carbohydrate as well as arrive at until done.
6. When rice is done, drizzle the remaining saffron milk over as well as permit it sit down for 10 minutes.
7. Gently fluff the rice as well as sprinkle the fried onions, pineapple as well as pomegranate over.

I am submitting this to Alvin of Chef as well as Sommelier

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