Love To Bake Kongnamul Guk @ Soybean Sprout Soup - Aff Korean Soups #1

From where did I listen of this soup? The Korean show Full House. Rain, the musician boot the bucket on on bespeak the lady, Ji Eun to ambit this for him. I wondered... edible bean sprout soup? How prissy tin it be? Kind of bland every bit I imagined it.

Kongnamul Guk is a pop breakfast soup, as well as it it besides used for hangover relief.
I went through a few recipes, every bit roughly actually is evidently salt, H2O as well as beansprouts. I chose the nearly complex version of it, amongst garlic, chilli as well as stock :)

It's refreshing low-cal soup amongst a behave on of zing on the natural language as well as nose. I quite liked it, zilch similar how I imagined it inward the starting fourth dimension place.. After tasting it.. it provided me amongst a base of operations on how to replicate "Shin" spicy mushroom noodle, hahahah!

Kongnamul Guk
Adapted from My Korean Kitchen

i bunch of soy edible bean sprouts (80gm)
ii fish stock packs (2X9g)
i palm sized kombu, rinsed
1L water

i tsp chopped garlic
Some sliced dark-green chilli
Salt to taste

1. Rinse, build clean as well as cut the edible bean sprouts.
2. Bring 1L of H2O to boil.
3. Put inward kombu as well as fish stock pack as well as simmer for 10  minutes.
4. Remove the kombu as well as stock pack.
5. Put inward edible bean sprouts  and  simmer it for roughly other ii minutes. Season the soup according to preference.
6. Turn off the estrus as well as set inward garlic as well as chilli.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Korean Month
hosted past times Sharon of Feats of Feasts.

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