Love To Bake Nutella Breadstuff Pudding - Nutella Calendar Week #3

Rarely, the human remembers what I bake.
He tends to non know what nutrient is inwards the household in addition to eats what I serve him.

He knows I'm baking when he sees me doing it, but doesn't remember, won't larn looking, won't bother until I asks him if he wants a serving, of which the park answer volition endure yes.

But no... non amongst this. Hahaha.
I baked this inwards the morning, in addition to served it for breakfast. The kids weren't in, then nosotros can't complete it.
That nighttime afterwards dinner, he asked me if I even then convey that thing... that matter I served him that morning. He doesn't know what are the names of my bakes, haha.
And the next night, he asked again.

He kept on telling me, he likes it a lot.
It's genuinely quite rich, that's why!

I am surprised, pretty much am, even then am, hahaha!

I tried to practice a cris-cross designing amongst the nutella sandwiches, but it didn't quite come upward out the agency I wanted.
I was thinking twice virtually sharing this recipe, since the outlook is non every bit expected. But my human likes it sooo much. Who knows there's approximately of you lot out in that place volition endure smitten past times it every bit well.

So, if you lot don't desire to pass the fourth dimension doing what I did, merely coarsely cutting upward the sandwiches in addition to dump them into the pan. After all... they are all going into the tum :)

Nutella Bread Pudding
past times WendyinKK

8 slices of sandwich bread*
four Tbsp of Nutella

200ml whipping cream
100ml milk
two eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

two Tbsp saccharide for sprinkling
Butter to grease pan

1. Spread i spell of breadstuff amongst Nutella in addition to transcend amongst approximately other spell to practice a sandwich. Make four sandwiches inwards total. Freeze for 10 minutes.
2. Remove i spell of sandwich from freezer. Trim the sides off, in addition to cutting each sandwich into sixteen pieces.
3. Grease a 6X8 inch baking tray or a seven inch foursquare pan. Arrange the modest pieces of sandwiches inwards the pan (refer to picture).
4. Beat cream, milk, eggs, in addition to vanilla extract together. Pour 1/3 of the mixture over the bread. When you lot run into the custard mixture has been absorbed, in addition to pour the approximately other 1/3. Wait for one-half an hr in addition to pour the residuum over. Let the breadstuff sit down for 1 hr or overnight inwards the refrigerator (covered)
5. Preheat oven at 180C. Prepare boiling H2O for waterbath.
6. Sprinkle saccharide over the breadstuff in addition to bake the breadstuff pudding inwards  water bathroom for 45-50 minutes, or until the surface is golden to your liking.

*Use breadstuff that is a few days one-time for best custard absorption. I prefer Massimo for thicker slices, Gardenia is slightly besides thin

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