Love To Bake Oatmeal Sandwich Staff Of Life - Loaves #1

The texture was  better later approximately tweaking amongst the yeast

I made this nearly 2 years ago. I never posted this every bit I was nevertheless looking for the perfect shot, but later  6 months amongst the novel mixer (that time), my mojo for baking breadstuff loaves fizzzled. The shots weren't every bit dainty  as I wished because I merely moved inward the menage that time. I wasn't really certain of the  lighting spots together with my run of the photographic boob tube camera is really dissimilar than now.

Used a breadstuff loaf pan together with the shape isn't every bit nice

The master recipe rose really speedily together with was really yeasty. Weirdly the  recipe says it won't live puffy during the 1st rise, but dunno why, mine was hence furiously puffy.The side yesteryear side fourth dimension I made this, I reduced the yeast to one-half together with made this breadstuff at to the lowest degree three times  before. I intend it  was to a greater extent than than three times. The final fourth dimension I made this was nearly a twelvemonth ago, haha! I rarely repeat recipes, unless I am non contented. But I cannot repeat this anymore for the fourth dimension beingness hence that I tin larn a nicer shot every bit my KA died on me later ONLY 2 years of in i lawsuit a calendar week usage. It's a USA model together with the local distributor refused to gear upwards for me. The entirely means is to larn a replacement ...should I intend of Bosch?

The dough is  very gummy together with soft together with I cannot imagine manual kneading without adding on flour. My breadstuff slices were  kept inward a tupperware together with  lasted three days nevertheless staying soft together with moist. Once I made this for a  relative who stayed at my dwelling menage for a calendar week together with she loved it soo  much. My kids didn't similar the oat top, although I abide by it to await amend this way.

Oatmeal Sandwich Bread
Source: recipes/oatmeal-sandwich-bread-recipe" target="_blank">King Arthur Flour 
Makes 2 loaves

500gm breadstuff flour
120gm quick cooking oats, finely ground
60gm quick cooking oats
40gm nighttime brownish sugar
45gm honey
130gm milk
300gm water
10gm yeast
8gm salt
90gm butter
More quick cooking oats for sprinkling on top

1. Mix everything except butter together with knead until a dough forms(or merely mix amongst this amongst chopstick until it all comes together). Add inward butter together with knead for 8-10 minutes on Speed iv until window pane stage. The membrane mightiness pause due to the presence of oat bits, but, it volition live stretchy together with pause amongst roundish holes.
2. Cover together with permit dough proof for 1 hour.
3. Transfer dough to working surface together with curlicue out together with curlicue upwards to shape a log.
4. Place dough into a ii greased 9X4.5X4.5 inch breadstuff pan
5. Let dough ascension for 45 mins -1 sixty minutes until dough has nearly risen to the overstep of pan.
6. Brush overstep amongst approximately H2O together with sprinkle on approximately quick cooking oats, Gently press them to adhere.
7. Bake inward preheated oven at 150(fan)/170C for 35-40 minutes or until breadstuff is done (sounds hollow when tapped at the base)

*If you’re using a loaf pan (like those for cakes) permit the dough ascension until it crests (forms a dome to a higher house the rim), together with then move along amongst pace (6).

First endeavour amongst recipe together with  the holes are pretty big.
Used a loaf cake pan together with encounter the dainty mushroom shape?

This postal service is too linked to Vivian Pang Kitchen
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