Love To Bake Omapodi - Aff Indian Snacks #1

Mamee Monster noodle snack is a pop junk nutrient inwards Malaysia. Most kids similar it together with non forgetting ex-kids similar my wife together with I too. 

This volition locomote a ameliorate alternative than manufacturing flora made snacks. Made alongside poly peptide rich chickpea flour together with spices that assist digestion, it's a snack that y'all tin consider making. Despite it beingness fried, my omapodi didn't experience oily.

Here nosotros are used to having this mixed alongside peanuts together with fried light-green peas. But it tin locomote made together with served but every bit it is. 

When I made this, I purposely bought a bottle of asafoetida. It wasn't expensive at RM1 a bottle, but it's the idea of how oftentimes volition I utilization it. The principal argue I didn't desire to continue a bottle is because I read nearly it's infamous pong. It's supposed to locomote then potent together with to around  it could locomote 'smelly' together with it volition contaminate other spices if it's non kept properly. On the skillful side, It's supposed to add together onion garlicky flavours to dishes together with it helps to heighten flavours. 

 When I opened the bottle... Gosh. It smelled similar sweaty shirts!!!

I bravely added around into my dough together with my dough but reeked of it. Urghh!! I promise that later cooking it volition gustation wonderful. No it didn't! It stayed on.... Regret!! Regret!! 

But wait.....the adjacent day....
To my surprise, my omapodi has umami together with I no longer odour sweaty shirts. It tasted better!!! So much better!!

Now I'm glad I added asafoetida.

almost ready.... non much bubbles

Reference: recipe-diwali-snacks-recipes" target="_blank">Jeyashri's Kitchen and recipe-diwali-snacks-recipes" target="_blank">Cook's Joy 

120 gm chickpea flour (gram dhall)
xxx gm rice flour
3/4tsp salt
i tsp ajwain seeds (omam or biji lemuju)
1/4 loving cup boiling water
1/4 tsp asafoetida (optional )
25gm butter, softened

1. Steep ajwain seeds inwards boiling H2O for i hour. (If asafoetida is coarse, add together inwards now) Strain together with set inwards salt, stir until dissolved.
2. Mix all the dry out ingredients together.
3. Pour the ajwain infusion into the dry out mixture, set inwards butter together with knead to shape a dough.
4. Heat a wok of fossil oil on medium heat.
5. Put dough into murukku press, fitted alongside a pocket-sized holed disc.
6. Extrude dough into hot oil, forming a 'disk' of strings.
7. Fry the 'disc' on both sides until it no longer bubbles together with has turned golden.
8. To keep, intermission the disc together with shop the brusque omapodi inwards air tight containers.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Indian Subcontinent Month
hosted yesteryear recipe-diwali-snacks-recipes" target="_blank">Alvin of Chef together with Sommelier
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