Love To Bake Pesmol Fish - Fish Calendar Week #1

Creamy fried fish from Indonesia.
The creaminess came from the candlenut in addition to the kokosnoot milk. Very rich.

I saw that at that spot are Betawi versions in addition to Javanese versions. I don't know which version mine belong to. Kindly enlighten me.
I too saw roughly uses carp, Tilapia in addition to roughly used Indian mackerel, in addition to thence I made a justice that the type of fish is non critical for this dish.

The salam leaves nosotros accept hither appear to live on unlike I think, every bit it's commonly eaten raw amongst sambal. I tasted it, at that spot was no especial sense of savor or scent to the local salam leaves. So, my dish, mightiness non sense of savor similar the ane inward Indonesia.

I produce promise that ane solar daytime I volition larn roughly existent salam leaves from Republic of Indonesia :)
or I shall promise I larn to detect roughly here, variety of elusive eh... or mayhap they become amongst roughly other name, similar how kencur is cekur here?

Pesmol Fish
Adapted from Singgahsana Kitchen

two Mackerel Steaks (around 500gm)
Black pepper in addition to roughly salt

1 Tbsp lime juice
200ml kokosnoot milk + 50ml water

Grind to every bit paste
five candlenuts
iii ruddy chillies
1 Tbsp galangal (eyeball)
1 Tbsp ginger (eyeball)
1 tsp turmeric source (eyeball)
two shallots
1 clove garlic

two salam leaves
two kaffir lime leaves

Split in addition to bruise
five bird's optic chilli
1 stem lemongrass

1. Season fish amongst common salt in addition to dark pepper. Fry the fish until golden. Dish up.
2. Add to a greater extent than fossil oil to the pan/wok in addition to saute the glue until fragrant in addition to glossy (pecah minyak). Add inward salam leaves, kaffir lime leaves, chilli in addition to lemon grass.
3. Add inward kokosnoot milk in addition to allow it develop until thickens.
4. Season amongst lime juice, sugar, in addition to salt.
5. Pour the gravy over the fried fish in addition to serve.

I am submitting this to Alice of I Love. I Cook. I Bake.
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