Love To Bake Roasted Peach Lemonade

AMAZING stuff. Ryan's parents convey a giant peach tree inwards their backyard together with nosotros convey greatly benefited from it this summer! We've already made several batches of this but inwards the by few weeks, together with seriously can't become enough.

Roasted Peach Lemonade

4medium peaches, pitted together with sliced inwards half
1tablespoon granulated sugar
4   cups fresh lemonade

1. Preheat the oven to 400F.
2. Place the peaches peel side downwards inwards a baking dish together with sprinkle the tops alongside the sugar. Roasted the peaches for close 10 minutes or until the tops of the peaches are juicy at the skins able to endure easily pinched off. (I produce entire 9x13 pans total of peaches at a time, together with operate along them inwards at that spot for close 25 minutes)
3. Remove the exterior of the peach skins together with drib the roasted peaches into a blender. Pour inwards plenty lemonade to embrace the peaches inwards the blender. Puree the peaches completely, until the liquid is a petty foamy together with frothy.
4. Pour the mixture into a pitcher together with stir inwards the residuum of the lemonade. Chill. Be certain to stir upward the lemonade alongside a wooden spoon 1 time to a greater extent than earlier serving!

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