Love To Bake Zucchini Salted Egg Quick Soup - Zucchini Courgette #2

I cooked this dish based on approximately other mutual quick soup inward Cantonese cuisine, that is the Hairy Marrow Soup (毛瓜汤).

I thought, why non create zucchini or courgettes this means too! As they are squashes together with gustation soooo sweet.
I liked the result, together with hence did my kids.

As for the amount to use, experience gratis to role both light-green or both yellow, depending on which color y'all prefer. I detect the gustation to live on non much different, except the color of their skin.

If y'all similar to a greater extent than drinking glass noodle, together with hence add together more, only when y'all role to a greater extent than drinking glass noodle, together with hence brand certain y'all role to a greater extent than liquids every bit drinking glass noodles are similar sponges.
Normally I take the garlic prior to serving, hence I prefer to boom them. If y'all don't hear the garlic, together with hence y'all tin mince them.

I cooked the yolk together with white separately because salted egg yolk takes a longer fourth dimension to cook. Grandaunt used to piece the egg yolk raw earlier she makes marrow soup, only a lot of the gluey yolk ever ends upwards stuck on the cleaver. So I chose to slightly create it first, together with hence piece together with and hence furnish it to the soup. More work, only I prefer it this way

And yeah... if you're wondering what stock did I stock. The squashes are sweeeeet together with flavourful plenty for me. Just slightly chocolate-brown them to maximize the fragrance together with flavour.

Zucchini Salted Egg Quick Soup
past times WendyinKK

1 light-green zucchini (7 inch long)
1 xanthous squelch (8 inch long)
1 salted duck egg, washed, white together with yolk separated
two cloves garlic (smashed)
1 sprig boundary onion,sliced
20gm drinking glass noodles

1. Soak drinking glass noodles inward a bowl of mutual frigidity water.
2. Cut both squashes into matchsticks, virtually 5mm thick.
3. Heat a wok/pot on high oestrus together with set inward  2 Tbsp oil. Cook the garlic until it turns slightly golden.
4. Put the zucchini together with squelch sticks into the wok together with stir fry until it wilts together with takes on approximately little browning at approximately spots (if possible, every bit this gives improve flavour). Add inward 1L of H2O or more, if y'all like. Bring it to a boil.Turn the oestrus to medium low
5. Put inward salted egg yolk together with allow it simmer for two minutes. Fish out the salted egg yolk. Slice it, or chop it.
6. When the zucchini has softened to your preference, role i manus to concur the spatula/ladle, together with the other amongst the egg white. Drizzle the egg white in, stirring it all the while. Taste it at this point. Season amongst tabular array salt together with pepper if needed.
7. Add inward the soaked drinking glass noodles together with egg yolk. Bring dorsum to a boil. Sprinkle amongst boundary onions together with dish upwards to serve.

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