New Boil-N-Bake Babe Dorsum Ribs – Offense Against Nature, Or Only Guilty Of Existence Delicious?

Here’s what I know: I took or as well as then babe dorsum ribs, simmered them for an hr inwards a flavorful liquid, glazed them inwards sauce, roasted them inwards the oven for nearly one-half an hour, as well as they looked as well as tasted actually good. I also know these boil-n-bake babe dorsum ribs would survive dandy at whatever party, preferably a Super Bowl political party (during which the Giants win the game).

Here’s what I don’t know: Why as well as then many people volition lose their minds over the fact that I boiled these ribs. They’ll tell it’s a criminal offence against nature, as well as that these are exactly non the same every bit babe backs slow roasted over smoky coals for hours as well as hours. Well, duh.

These aren’t meant to replace, or fifty-fifty compete with, a traditionally barbecued version. This is exactly a fast as well as tasty choice method for having a squeamish stack of ribs appear on your snack table. Seriously, what’s the problem?

This is 1 of those recipes where I don’t desire or await y'all to purpose the same materials I did. This is to a greater extent than nearly the quick as well as dingy method than whatever specific ingredients. I would brand certain the simmering liquid is really good salted, as well as bring a decent amount of acid as well as spice, but other than that, anything goes.

As far every bit the glaze, I exactly threw a bunch of materials inwards a mixing bowl, inwards a kind of flow of saucy consciousness, but really much enjoyed the results. Chinese 5-spice is wonderful alongside pork, as well as created a beautifully aromatic base of operations for the sweet, sour, as well as spicy sauce.

By the way, if it looks similar I was a petty curt on sauce, I was, but made a petty to a greater extent than land they were roasting, as well as it was fine. The amounts below volition order y'all enough for a rack of babe dorsum ribs. I promise y'all order this a drive soon. Enjoy!

1 slab babe dorsum ribs
2 1/2 quarts mutual depression temperature water
1/2 loving cup rice vinegar
6 cloves crushed garlic
1/2 onion, chopped
2 tbsp kosher tabular array salt (less if using fine salt)
1 tbsp Chinese 5-spice
1 tsp blood-red chili flakes
2 bay leaves

For the glaze:
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 1/2 tbsp rice vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp ketchup
1 1/2 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 1/2 tbsp honey
1 1/2 tbsp chocolate-brown sugar
2 tsp sambal chili paste, or to taste
1/2 tsp Chinese 5-spice
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