New Cheater Pierogi – This Is No Smoothen Joke

During this video for quick together with slow cheese pierogi, I joke most my Polish grandmother rolling over inwards her grave, but afterwards eating several batches of these delicious dumplings, I’m pretty certain Grandma Sophie would convey approved. 

I’ve ever been a large fan of wonton skins. Not alone convey I used them for wonton soup, but likewise for tortellini, ravioli, together with diverse other dumplings.  They’re really user-friendly, but purpose a damp newspaper towel to encompass the opened upward packet every bit yous work, since they tin dry out out apace together with live harder to operate with.

Whenever I postal service a video similar this, the most mutual questions normally revolve to a greater extent than or less what choice fillings would work. Let me induce got that effect correct now. Anything volition operate every bit a filling. Literally. Most high-end grocery stores volition convey farmer’s cheese, but if yous can’t uncovering it, a mixture of one-half cream cheese together with one-half ricotta would larn yous really close.

I decided to suspension amongst identify unit of measurement tradition together with serve these amongst bacon together with caramelized onions, every bit nosotros normally but child inwards a piddling butter together with serve amongst sour cream. I blame Chicago’s Pierogi Heaven for this, since it was during a recent view that I had a plate served similarly, together with it was amazing.

Anyway, whether you’re an former pro, or build novel to the joys of pierogi, I promise yous give these easy, cheesy dumplings a try. Remember the former saying...if you’re non cheating, you’re non trying. Enjoy!

Ingredients for most 50-60 Pierogi:
1 1/2 cups warm mashed potato
1 1/2 loving cup farmer’s cheese, or whatsoever cheese blend
1 large egg
salt together with pepper to sense of savor
pinch of cayenne
50-60 wonton wrappers
sour cream together with chives every bit needed

Bacon together with Onion Sauce (enough to garnish most 12 pierogi)
4 slices bacon, sliced thin
1/2 large yellowish onion, diced
2 tsp butter
*After bacon is crisp, drain excess fat, reserving most two tbsp to child pierogi.

View the consummate recipe

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