Love To Bake 17 Hours White Breadstuff Loaf - White Loaf Calendar Week # 2

I made this loaf twice.

Being a novel breadstuff bakery too attempting such recipes is a flake daunting. I make non fifty-fifty recognise when the breadstuff is kneaded enough. I wasn't daring to knead it long too was doing a few dizzy mistakes similar adding likewise much yeast or putting inwards carbohydrate when I shouldn't be. In the end, my starting fourth dimension endeavor amongst this recipe flopped. It nevertheless became a loaf, precisely I added inwards a lot to a greater extent than flour due to the pre-ferment dough has overfermented causing a lot of liquid to last produced. I had Bee Bee on my 911 too I knew where I had gone wrong. I told myself, don't arrive at upwards too seek again.

The adjacent day, I made closed to other batch. Woah, I finished 1 large loaf inwards a day? To brand 1 loaf, it needs around 1 hateful solar daytime to ferment, then basically the adjacent loaf came out two days later. LOL, to complete upwards a loaf of non then prissy bread, I made companionship sandwich for dinner too everyone had to swallow it past times claw or past times crook. I also used it to brand croutons for a salad the adjacent hateful solar daytime too no 1 knows it's from that loaf of non then tasty bread.

I followed it to a T the adjacent fourth dimension around, too viola! Perfect sandwich breadstuff came out of the oven. But... volition I brand this again? Hmmm.. don't intend so. The resultant is fine, precisely non worth the displace seat in. Not to nation similar it's super proficient amongst then many hours of waiting too long fourth dimension standing in that location to throw inwards lumps of pre-ferment dough to knead. It's proficient precisely I don't get got the patience amongst this, non amongst the proofing time, precisely the kneading process, lump past times lump..... I wished to throw inwards the whole affair instead, precisely dared not.

17 Hours White Bread Loaf
Honey Bee Sweets
Makes: One 5X5X13 inch Pullman tin, lid on too closed to other small-scale loaf. If lid is off, tin jibe all into the pullman tin itself 

Pre-ferment Dough
480g breadstuff flour
274ml water
14g fresh yeast ( I used 8 g instant yeast)
7g bounding main salt
14g skim milk pulverisation (I used amount cream milk powder)

Dissolve the yeast inwards water. Add breadstuff flour, bounding main salt, skim milk pulverisation too knead until soft. Cover the dough inwards cling wrap or a large zippo log bag. Refrigerate to allow it evidence for 17 hours.

Note: The dough volition expand inwards the fridge. So whatever container yous seat the dough in, make arrive at closed to allowance for growth.

Main Dough:
206g breadstuff flour
7g bounding main salt
69g caster sugar
199ml water
3g fresh yeast (I used 3g instant yeast)
48g unsalted butter, room temperature

1. Knead all ingredients of the primary dough together, except the butter.
2. Add pre-ferment dough slice past times piece. Knead after each improver until soft too smooth.
3. Add butter. Knead until stretchable consistency (window pane test)
4. Put the dough into a large bowl. Cover amongst cling wrap too allow it evidence for 30minutes till double.
5. Punch downwards too split upwards dough into three pieces.
6. Roll out each slice too coil upwards again.
7. Arrange rolled upwards dough into a greased pullman tin.
8. Let dough ascension until 2/3 full. Place the lid on.
9. Preheat the oven at 170(fan)/190C too bake for 35 minutes.

Verdict: Not manual kneading friendly. Taste similar an ordinary white sandwich loaf, precisely rattling soft too fluffy,  smelling improve than shop bought due to the role of butter. The crust is perfect for crust lovers, smells great. Bread should rest soft for three days, precisely mine was finished earlier that.

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