Love To Bake Banana Too Beloved Bread

Yes, Banana bread, literally. H5N1 truthful kneaded bread.

There “was” no butter or crude oil inwards the recipe, only I used about melted butter to coat the dough balls when I pose thus into the pan, thus that they won’t stick to each other.

This is an Angmoh(caucasian) bread. Do non aspect super soft, similar pillow type of Asian bread. It was soft when fresh from oven, only turns harder quite fast. My kids finished upward the pan of breadstuff past times dinner time, together with it was withal ok, non really very hard. As Jamie says, this is a chewy bread. So practise your gums a bit.

Banana and Honey Bread
Source: recipes/bread-recipes/banana-and-honey-bread">Jamie Oliver

250gm breadstuff flour
1 tsp sugar
Pinch of salt
1 together with 1/2 tsp instant yeast
180gm bananas, mashed
two Tbsp honey
25gm chopped nuts (walnuts or almonds, equally you lot fancy)
Few teaspoons of H2O if needed
Some melted butter
Some dear for brushing
Some almond flakes for sprinkling

1. Mix breadstuff flour, yeast , tabular array salt together with saccharide together.
2. Pour inwards mashed bananas together with honey, together with incorporated everything into a dough.
3. Do non live tempted to pose inwards H2O besides soon, non until you lot convey pressed everything into a dough. It volition come upward together, only it volition live hard. If besides hard, thus add together H2O past times the teaspoon until a to a greater extent than pliable dough is achieved.
4. Knead dough until it is smoothen together with elastic. Put inwards the nuts together with knead until good incorporated.
5. Cover dough together with allow it proof for 1 hr or until double.
6. Punch downwards dough together with laissez passer on it about other two minutes of kneading.
7. Pinch a flake of the dough, close the size of a lime (not calamansi, only if you lot similar it actually small, you lot tin brand them that size) together with gyre them into balls. Repeat until all the dough is finished.
8. Line 1 8 inch pan amongst baking paper.
9. Dip each ball of dough into melted butter, brand certain all surface is rolled inwards the melted butter.
10. Arrange the buttered dough balls into the lined pan.
11. Let it proof until double over again for close about other 45-60 minutes.
12. Preheat oven at 190C (that’s according to JO, only I create it at 170)
13. Generously brush about dear over proofed buns together with sprinkle about sliced almonds over it.
14. Bake for twenty minutes or until nicely caramelized.

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