Love To Bake Entry Page For Sponge Pancake Giveaway

How to enter:
1. Prepare sponge pancakes amongst inventiveness (but delight abide past times the rules). You tin can submit to a greater extent than than ane entry. One variation per entry.
2. Blog nigh it, as well as ship inward the link via comments department here, or
3. If you lot don't ain a blog, accept pics, create a elementary write up in Microsoft Word, peculiarly on the recipe as well as electronic mail me at wendyinkk[@]yahoo.[com] (remove the brackets when you lot type the electronic mail address), I'll assist you lot post them hither inward this post.
4. Open to readers amongst Malaysian or Singaporean address. If you lot are overseas, as well as volition endure dorsum hither for a trip, tin can larn inward amongst whatever suitable local address.

Rules, Just build sure
1. Your pancake is a version that I've never attempted before
2. Your pancake is non cutting to a greater extent than than ane time (except for photography purposes to present the inside)
3. It is cooked over the stove, no baking, no steaming
4. Recipe goes past times the ratio of 1 egg: 1 Tbsp saccharide : 1 Tbsp flour, amongst additional ingredients for flavouring allowed

1. One Candy as well as Deep Frying thermometer for Most Creative entry (I'll endure judging)
2. One Cake Leveler for a lucky entry (draw lots)

Closing date: 2 December 2010, 12pm GMT+8

Lucky Draw Numbering (ordered past times appointment of submission)

1. HKChoo of Jottings of Life
2. Jasmine
3. Robert
4. Kathleen Kiew
5. DG
6. Jess Kitchen
7. Rasya
8. Jess Kitchen
9. Robert
10. Wen's Delight
11. Sonia
12. Sonia
13. Bann Dih
14. Nileey
15. Lena
16. Lena
17. Sem
18. Swee San
19. Robert (KIV)
20. Jess

First emailed inward Entry past times Kathleen Kiew

Hi Wendy,

I was supposed to build this sponge pancake twain of days agone but was held off due to 1) incomplete grooming (ingredients) as well as 2) children got sick (!!). So afterward everything is dorsum to normal, I decided it is fourth dimension to laissez passer on this sponge pancake a examine amongst bacon as well as cheese.

Didn’t discovery it hard to build every bit the steps illustrated past times you lot on your spider web log were clear as well as concise (super dear your blog). Having said that, my get-go endeavour on the pancake was a failure. The argue for that was, I used my AMC pan to fry the pancake, as well as it in all probability was also hot as well as the batter stuck to the pan amongst gusto as well as the whole affair turned into some form of mushy eggy scrambled lookalike.

Anyway, I hence estrus upward my non-stick frying pan.. as well as it was a breeze from hence on. I made iv portions on my get-go endeavour (4 eggs : iv tbsp flour : iv tbsp sugar). Got a large identify unit of measurement to feed 

The pancake was actually good. My aunts discovery it real eggy but I form of similar it that way. Light, fluffy as well as eggy. I tin can in all probability fry the bacon a trivial flake such that it adds to a greater extent than flavour n texture to the whole thing.

Here’s my pancake as well as give thank you lot you for your recipe.

2nd Emailed inward Entry past times Rasya
Hi Wendy my bring upward is Rasya, i would similar to participate ur Sponge Pancake Giveaways entry, i already examine ur Sponge Pancake as well as it gustation first, i’m afraid that it would non plough adept but afterward i build the batter i know it volition plough out very2 adept as well as it gustation delicious fifty-fifty my 1year erstwhile boy actually similar it too....thanks Wendy for sharing this ;D Here are my version OREO Sponge Pancake promise u similar it also ;D

This are the ingredients i exercise ;D elementary every bit ABC...wallaaaa

2 eggs
2 tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp all purpose flour (I used 1.5 tbsp flour + ½ tbsp finely crunch oreo- i exercise iv pcs oreo without cream as well as set inward nutrient processor, precisely exercise ½ tbsp )
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 flake of butter for frying
Chocolate rice as well as H2O ice cream (i exercise chocolate wall brands H2O ice cream if u cause got vanilla also tin can yummmmy)

1. Separate the eggs as well as shell egg whites until frothy as well as add together inward saccharide as well as shell until medium rigid peaks (egg whites has a real droopy claw as well as doesn't slide off the bowl).
2. Put inward egg yolks as well as mix.
3. Sift inward flour (just exercise a java strainer) as well as crease into the eggs.
4. Heat a ix inch pan on medium as well as set inward 1/2 tsp butter. Swirl it or hence to coat as well as pour the excess into batter.
5. Lightly crease the batter to incorporate.
6. Turn estrus to medium depression (very pocket-size displace on outer band or precisely exercise low) as well as pour inward all the batter.
7.Cover amongst lid as well as ready until sides await golden, as well as pump of pancake is almost cooked. Sprinkle chocolate rice toppings every bit desired. Cook for a piece until the choc rice slightly melted.
8. Flip into one-half or flip onto plate as well as serve amongst H2O ice cream, sprinkle oreo crunch n choc rice.

This are my version OREO SPONGE PANCAKE adapted from Sponge Pancake Wendy. Can precisely swallow similar fluffy as well as crunchy when u seize amongst teeth at choc rice.

Or u tin can serve it amongst H2O ice cream as well as sprinkle it amongst oreo as well as to a greater extent than choc volition dear me =D

Eat it piece yet warm, the pancake soft as well as fluffy, choc rice as well as extra crunch oreo larn inward lil’bit cruncy as well as serve amongst melted H2O ice cream is sooooo delicious...super2 yummy =)
Look at my son...hu3

3rd Emailed inward Entry From Bann Dih

I am from Negara Brunei Darussalam as well as my hubby is from KL. But nosotros based inward Brunei. I volition exercise our KL address
I was attracted past times your get-go pancake recipe amongst scallion. So determine to bring together the competition.

This is my entry to your sponge cake competition. I didn’t cause got spider web log yet.
I cause got transformed your pancake to a savory pan cake every bit I dear to cause got savory nutrient for breakfast. Your recipe is hence slow to build to prepare. But I cause got work for the get-go pancake I cooked every bit the batter is also fluffy as well as it is hence hard to distribute evenly on the pan as well as I got a burnt pancake instead. But it scent adept though
I serve the pancake amongst mayo tuna amongst fresh tomatoes, cucumber as well as onion.

3 Tbsp flour
3 Tbsp sugar
3 eggs

Mayo tuna
1 tin can of canned tuna flakes
2 tablespoon of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon of salad cream
Pinch of common salt as well as Pepper

1. Drained the tuna as well as mixed it amongst other ingredients.
2. Serve the tuna mayo amongst pancake as well as fresh tomatoes as well as cucumber.

4th Emailed inward Entry past times Sem
Hi, Wendy, I am Sem from KL, I create non cause got a spider web log currently as well as would similar to accept role for the fun of trying the recipe.

I cause got followed your recipe as well as and build into 3 mini size pancake, ane layer sandwiched amongst domicile made strawberry jam filling ( I cause got made a batch terminal calendar week as well as it is fourth dimension to exercise it up) as well as some other layer amongst sliced banana as well as locomote past times amongst ii scoop of H2O ice cream.

1 egg-separate the yolk as well as flour
1 tablespoon of obviously flour
1 tablespoon of castor sugar
1 tsp of stone oil (not inward your recipe but I added to add together moistness to the sponge pancake)

1) Separate the egg white as well as manually whisked till soft peak( lazy to exercise electrical mixer every bit ane egg white is also trivial to whip upward past times electrical mixer)
2) Combined the oil, egg yolk as well as sifted flour till smooth.
3) Fold inward the beaten egg white to the egg yolk mixture.
4) Heat upward the frying pan (I used those mini size for frying ane scrambled egg type) without brushing whatever oil, pour inward the batter as well as ready till the bottom is golden brownish , flip over as well as ready for ane second. Remove.

Note: this recipe laissez passer on me 3 pocket-size pancake.

I layered the bottom layer of pancake amongst domicile made strawberry jam fillings, as well as the middle layer amongst sliced bananas, as well as locomote past times amongst ii scoop of H2O ice cream. My kids finished it upward inward no time, a agency to larn the kids to swallow some fruits, I guess.

Would similar to examine out some other variation if got fourth dimension this night afterward work.

Thank you lot for organizing this number every bit I actually enjoyed the procedure of trying out the recipe as well as having fun of playing amongst the recipe every bit well.

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: