Love To Bake Guangxi Rice Dumplings (Zongzi) 广西粽子 - Wrapped # 3

As y'all all may know, my mom is a KwongSai (Guangxi).

My offset attempt making rice dumplings was when I was about 15. I was really excited too this was my offset fourth dimension doing so. No 1 inwards the theatre made rice dumplings ever since grandaunt lastly did it. No 1 knew how to create it actually, or would bother to create it because it is considered something really troublesome.
Dumpling for 2..... or More, LOL

My mom roughly told me how to create it, trying to scream back how her mom (my maternal granny) did it. My mom never picked upwards the ropes from her parents too solely learnt to ready inwards her belatedly 30's. My mom knew how to roll (the normal tetrahedron ones), but didn't know how to railroad train the ingredients, peculiarly how to season. So, amongst the blind leading the blind... imagine what happened to the dumplings. The pork was nicely marinated (I fried 1 piece to taste!), but the rice too beans were..................... horribly tasteless. I literally cried when I ate 1 dumpling after beingness boiled for iv hours. And nosotros made thus much! xl pcs! Oh my! I can't imagine myself stuffing them downwards my throat.

pork all through the long dumpling

Luckily, my mom's sis came visiting correct after the dumplings were done.  LOL. Just in time! My mom shoved thirty pcs to her, bespeak her to acquire dorsum too exceed to the other brothers (my uncles). My aunt was ok amongst it. Because my woman parent said, grandma's dumplings had tasteless beans too. So, they volition eat it alright. I grew upwards eating good seasoned beans inwards dumplings. So, I honour that difficult to swallow.

I don't know nearly dumplings inwards other places, but fifty-fifty those inwards Kuala Kangsar here, the local women made rice dumplings of which... I don't favour much. The beans are bland too, fifty-fifty though the dumpling looks dark too flavourful, but to me... nah. Still prefer Ipoh too Kampar's. My friends' moms who made dumplings all sense of savor delicious. Or peradventure it's the affair of me beingness accustomed to the taste.

2nd piece beingness sliced

Ok, dorsum to guangxi zongzi.

I never knew at that spot is guangxi vogue zongzi. Never! Until lastly ii years.
I heard my cousin maxim my kaofoo (brother of mother) gave them ii dumplings, took 1 24-hour interval to complete one. My eyes went big? What? Why thus boring to eat 1 dumpling?

Then she told me, it's every bit long every bit my forearm, how to eat inwards 1 go? My eyes went BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGG! What? That long? There are such long dumplings?

Then my cousin said, yeah, it has ever been this long, piece it to eat it. Like Lemang.

final few pieces... even thus amongst pork :)

My mom thus said, yeah, their household unit of measurement does the zongzi inwards that manner. And solely the men tin give notice create it, because they pick out large hands. At that time, I merely felt similar "uuuurrrgh!!!" Mom, why y'all never told us nearly the traditions inwards your family??????? And I was already to a greater extent than than thirty when I knew this. thirty years of ignorance!

Can't blame my mom. My mom ever intend that, she's married to a Cantonese, too so, she should enhance her kids every bit Cantonese. Sigh..... Which is why she decline to learn us the Guangxi dialect.
But now, her thoughts pick out changed too she wants me to alternative upwards her household unit of measurement dishes. When the amend cooks inwards her household unit of measurement has passed away... that is when she realised, that the special dishes are also gone amongst them.

Mom tin give notice solely roughly depict to me how grandma did it, "Borax, element of group I water, raw dark oculus peas, five spice pork amongst rind," That's all I could dig from her. Mom said, Grandma would brand a few kerosene cans of dumplings too hang them upwards on the wall to live consumed for a calendar week (yes a calendar week w/o referigeration, the ability of Borax!!). 10 kids could easily complete them up. If 1 is hungry, merely describe 1 dumpling downwards too eat, for that whole week. Mom said, grandma won't ready until the dumplings are gone.

With that express information, I had to rely on Mr Google. Then I found this site too thus Baidu confirmed that 1 of guangxi dumplings distinct feature is the odour of alkaline/ lye water, similar how my mom said grandma did seat lye H2O inwards it. I was happy that I could finally start working on recreating the guangxi dumpling inwards my kitchen.

Guangxi Rice Dumpling
Recipe source: Wendyinkk
Reference : Guangxi Baike too my mom

Pork Belly
1kg pork belly (skin on)
ii tsp common salt (10g)
iv Tbsp lite soy sauce
1 Tbsp dark caramel sauce (can move more)
1 Tbsp five spice pulverization (bought from chinese herbal shops which are coarser too to a greater extent than fragrant)
ii Tbsp sugar
ii Tbsp shao xing wine
Good dash of white pepper

1. Cut pork into 16 strips (5 or 6 inch long)
2. Marinate amongst all the ingredients for ii days.

300gm dark oculus peas
300gm carmine beans (azuki)
*or whatsoever combination of other beans
ii Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp element of group I water

1. Soak overnight too drain for thirty minutes.
2. Mix amongst salt, saccharide too element of group I water.
3. Set aside spell y'all railroad train the residual of the ingredients

2kg viscid rice
iv cubes of fermented white beancurd (fu yue, I used the circular bottle type)
ii Tbsp shao xing wine
1.5 Tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp alkaline/lye H2O
1/2 cup oil (lightly sautéed amongst iii shallots too iii clove garlic, both finely minced)

1. Soak rice overnight. Drain the rice into a colander too allow it drip dry out for thirty mins.
2. Heat wok too seat inwards oil. Saute minced garlic too shallots until fragrant too lightly golden.
3. Turn off the oestrus too seat inwards fermented beancurd, salt, saccharide too shaoxing wine. Mix until a glue forms.
4. Put inwards drained rice. Toss to combine (You tin give notice plough on the oestrus every bit y'all create this. It volition brand the rice to a greater extent than manageable, but non to ready it) Taste the rice too spit it out. It should sense of savor slightly oversalted. Lastly add together inwards element of group I H2O too mix well.

1 pack dried bamboo leaves (300gm 11cm wide)
16 strips of 5.5 ft long reed or cotton wool twines. (I used the reed, "Harm Sui Chou 咸水草" that came amongst the leaves inwards the packing)

1. Soak the leaves too reed inwards tap H2O until soft (few hours).
2. Wash too trim down the difficult ends off.
3. Blanch inwards boiling H2O for a spell too it’s ready for use.

Just a stone oil guidance on how to wrap. Different families may move unlike method. It may seem difficult at first, but every bit y'all acquire on, y'all volition acquire the hang of it. FYI, this is my offset fourth dimension wrapping zongzi this way. My maternal uncles employ a unlike method, that they check everything inwards the palm every bit they create it. I used a criterion loving cup to mensurate the rice thus that each dumpling volition pick out the same amount of rice. I was packing the rice tight inwards some, too non thus tight inwards some too ended upwards amongst 17 dumplings. If packed tight (in criterion cup) for every dumpling, should yield 16.

bring to a boil, lower to a simmer for iv hours, switching the dumplings halfway.

Don't worry also much nearly how it looks, run across my offset dumpling too my after ones....

How long is 1 dumpling? Mine are on average 8.5inches.

If solely these are filled amongst gilded too non rice.. LOL

Oh yes, If y'all mightiness live wondering whether my beans were bland,
Oh no they are not.
I won't eat if they are bland. Yucks!
My married adult man even thus prefers the bak chang.

I even thus haven't mail some of these to my mom.
Still pick out six inwards my freezer. She's waiting for these.

Video (updated 6/6/13)

I'll live taking a break.
See y'all somewhere inwards June.
Happy School Semester Break!

 My offset attempt making rice dumplings was when I was Love to Bake Guangxi Rice Dumplings (zongzi) 广西粽子 - Wrapped # 3
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