Love To Bake Huckleberry Together With Nectarine Cake

I cruel inward dear amongst the cake the minute I saw it on Piggy's blog.
It looked hence so pretty.

Then I saw Elin doing this besides amongst peaches in addition to blueberries. That fourth dimension I already accept nectarine in addition to blueberries (bought weeks ago) inward the fridge. I shouldn't hold back whatever longer. Actually, somehow I've forgotten virtually this cake, until I saw it on Elin's blog.

I used mainland People's Republic of China nectarines, which are a lot cheaper. This cake is really prissy to eat, moist in addition to soft.

Nectarine in addition to Blueberry Cake Recipe
Recipe origin : Piggy's Cooking Journal who adapted from 手のひらサイズのベイクドケーキ

144g butter, at room temperature
100g castor sugar
2 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
144g self-raising flour
1/4 teaspoon baking pulverization (I skipped this)
2 tablespoon yogurt
2 nectarines, cutting into slices (mine was rather smallish)
twoscore blueberries (surprisingly, I actually did throw inward twenty blueberries per pan without counting initially, cos that is all that could check the sides nicely)

1) Preheat oven to 170 deg C. Grease a 18cm loaf pan, in addition to hence trace of piece of job amongst baking paper.
2) In a medium bowl, whip butter in addition to carbohydrate amongst an electrical mixer until pale in addition to fluffy. Beat the egg into the batter, follow yesteryear vanilla extract. Mix until only combine.
3) Mix inward yogurt, follow yesteryear flour in addition to baking powder. Mix until the flour only disappear from the batter.
4) Scrape the batter into the pan. Arrange nectarine slices in addition to blueberries on the batter.
5) Bake inward the pre-heated oven for twoscore minutes, or until a skewer inserted inward the middle of the cake turns out clean. Remove from oven, allow the cakes cool on wire rack, serve.

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