Love To Bake Love Apple Tree Curry Chicken

H5N1 dish that my mom told me verbally how to cook.

When I was inward my teens, soul told my mom almost a curry that is without kokosnoot milk only uses tomatoes. She told me to come upwards up amongst what she told me. Being the obedient tike that I am (hahaha!!), I gladly obliged. And the lawsuit was a wonderful dish to larn amongst rice.

Tomato Curry Chicken
Recipe Source : Verbal instructions from Wendyywy's mom

1.5kg chicken (1 bird)
250gm tomato plant (2 large ones)
1 tsp salt
250gm carrots
150gm onions
iii cloves garlic
ii scarlet chillies
ii Tbsp meat curry powder
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
Salt to taste
1 tsp cornstarch mix amongst ¼ loving cup water

1. Chop chicken into modest pieces in addition to marinate amongst 1 tsp common salt for thirty minutes.
2. Meanwhile, peel in addition to cutting carrots into longish chunks, quarter tomatoes, cutting onions into wedges in addition to loosen the onions, piece chillies thickly, in addition to peel in addition to bang the garlic.
3. Heat wok until rattling hot, pose inward onions. Toss until the onions are fragrant, thence pose inward 1 tsp crude oil in addition to toss until it looks browned in addition to rattling slightly charred. Dish upwards in addition to laid aside
4. Put inward 1 Tbsp crude oil in addition to pose inward carrots in addition to allow them dark-brown for a piece thence the tomatoes. When everything is slightly browned in addition to fragrant, toss upwards in addition to laid aside.
5. In the same wok, pose inward ii Tbsp cooking crude oil in addition to pose inward smashed garlic in addition to chilli. Fry until garlic is fragrant, thence pose inward chicken in addition to laid until it starts to dark-brown in addition to larn dry. Put inward curry pulverization in addition to fry until fragrant in addition to yous tin flaming kickoff to come across to a greater extent than crude oil seeping out from the skin.
6. Put inward the Worcestershire sauce, carrots in addition to tomatoes, pose inward plenty H2O to cover. Bring to a boil, encompass in addition to allow it simmer for fifteen minutes or until chicken is to a greater extent than tender.
7. Remove lid in addition to pose inward onions. Reduce gravy to preferred amount.
8. Taste in addition to flavour amongst common salt if non salty enough. Sugar volition non hold upwards necessary.
9. Thicken gravy amongst cornstarch mixture to preferred consistency. Bring dorsum to a boil in addition to dish up.

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