Love To Bake Steamed Chicken Amongst Scarlet Dates - Confinement Calendar Month #4

For confinement, the carte du jour is e'er chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken. Almost daily it's chicken.

From what I know, the Malays create non eat chicken for confinement equally they believe it causes itchiness. My colleagues were surprised nosotros eat then much chicken during confinement. But when I told them, nosotros believe it's the manful mortal chickens (rooster, cockerel) that causes itchiness or other allergic reactions, in addition to nosotros alone enquire for hens during this time. And it's alone virgin hens or hens that has never position eggs.

I don't actually similar consuming chicken inwards rice wine.  And confinement carte du jour e'er consist of sesame oil, herbs, forest ears in addition to ginger. Any type of ginger.. survive it turmeric or fifty-fifty galangal. So, far I similar these to survive inwards my food, then I abide by no work when it comes to eating during confinement, equally long equally it's non equally good alchoholic.

This time, I tried a few novel confinement recipes in addition to this volition survive 1 of the novel chicken dishes. More to come upward inwards this week. It'll all survive virtually chicken.

If yous ask, who cooked this? I was past times the side of my confinement lady, instructing her this in addition to that. That's how I did it this time. Or she'll position upward everything I say her to, in addition to I'll survive the 1 cooking in addition to she'll build clean up everything. But it's non for every meal. It's merely for novel dishes or dishes I don't trust her doing it. Yeah, I'm that fussy!

Steamed Chicken alongside Red Dates
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Serves: 5-6

750gm chicken (3/4 of a kampung chicken/free arrive at chicken)
40gm ruby-red dates (weighed alongside seeds)
3/4 tsp salt
ii Tbsp water
1 tsp cornstarch
1 Tbsp sesame oil
ii Tbsp DOM

1. Chop chicken into pocket-sized pieces.
2. Remove seeds from ruby-red dates in addition to cutting into smaller pieces.
3. Put salt in addition to ruby-red dates into the bowl containing the chicken pieces in addition to rub alongside fingers so that the season of the appointment infuses good alongside the chicken.
4. Put inwards H2O in addition to cornstarch. Mix evenly.
5. Put inwards sesame oil. Mix.
6. Pour chicken onto steaming vessel (a slightly deep vessel then that the juices volition non overflow in addition to survive wasted)
7. Pour DOM over chicken in addition to steam for xx minutes.

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