Love To Bake Cek Mek Molek (With Video) Beautiful Lady - Mff Kelantan #3

It's true. My Malay friends told me, Kelantanese girls are known for their beauty.

Some said, it's because they swallow a lot of 'pulut' (sticky rice) instead of the commons rice, that's why their peel is fair too smooth. Is this disputation truthful or myth... I don't know. But what I actually create know is, Kelantanese Malay ladies create hold off fairer comparatively.

And so, could this live on the argue for this snack to live on named equally 'beautiful lady'? Actually I prefer to interpret these equally "My Fair Lady". This kuih is flora all over Malaysia but it real pop inward both Kelantan too Terengganu. Some simply fondly telephone band it equally cek mek, but anyway... it's the same thing.

I was introduced to this kuih yesteryear the canteen cooks inward Selancar. My get-go come across was quite.....painful. I took 1 spell it was however besides warm too the hot syrup virtually burnt my tongue. But then... it's real delicious when eaten warm. I saw how they made it but never tried it myself. And this kuih is unremarkably made without a recipe or measurements. Just add together until enough, purpose enough... LOL, piece of employment it?

the yummy syrup :-)

Here's how I did it

Cek Mek Molek
yesteryear WendyinKK

500gm of steamed sugariness potatoes
100gm evidently flour
coarse grain saccharide for filling
petroleum for frying

1. While the sugariness potatoes were hot, crush them fine too add together inward the flour. You may non postulate all or y'all may postulate more. Just add together until a pliable dough is formed.
2.Divide dough into equal pieces (30gm each).
3.Lightly dust hands alongside flour too flatten each slice of dough. Fill alongside 1 tsp sugar. Seal upward too piece of employment inward into an oblong shape alongside pointy ends. Repeat until all the dough is filled too formed.
4.Deep nipper the cek mek on MEDIUM rut until a crust forms on the outside. Drain too allow it cool downward earlier serving.

*Take banking venture annotation that white sugariness potatoes are drier too mightiness postulate less flour.
** I used the mixer to crush the hot sugariness potatoes
*** Fry it shortly after you've done forming. Don't hold off besides long because the saccharide volition melt upon contact alongside the wet from the dough.

I made it in 1 trial again few days later on alongside the white type of sugariness potatoes. And recorded a video on how to shape it

Molek agency pretty, too  not molek.... hehehe, u create the guessing

the saccharide didn't melt when fried over a higher heat------> cooking fourth dimension shorter  :-)

I am submitting this to Gertrude of My Kitchen Snippets

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