Love To Bake Cheesy Fried Bananas - Mff Sabah #7

Fried bananas are good loved as well as institute everywhere here!

But inward Tawau, the eateries in that place dearest to serve this version amongst cheese as well as chocolate-brown sugar.
You tin role whatever batter recipe that you lot like, whatever type of bananas that you lot like, only you lot must serve it amongst chocolate-brown carbohydrate as well as grated cheddar.

I used Pisang Abu to brand this, as well as the elevate translates every bit Ash Banana. I convey no sentiment the argue behind the naming, only it's 1 the pop bananas for frying.  It CAN'T hold upwards eaten raw. Actually I wanted to larn pisang awak (You Banana), my favourite type of cooking bananas, only I cannot larn it.

So, I made this every bit a Lord's Day snack, loved as well as enjoyed yesteryear my family.

Cheesy Fried Bananas
yesteryear WendyinKK

8-10pcs of frying bananas
Brown carbohydrate for sprinkling
Grated cheddar for sprinkling

75gm rice flour
25gm obviously flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
125ml-150ml water
small-scale pinch of salt

1. Prepare batter. Sift both flours, baking pulverization  and baking soda together. Combine the sifted flour amongst H2O as well as salt,  go amongst 125ml first.
2. Heat upwards your frying oil.
3. Peel bananas, as well as one-half them.
4. Dip banana inward batter as well as deep  fry.  (Taste the banana, if you lot intend you lot prefer a thinner crust, as well as hence add together to a greater extent than water)
5. Serve  with chocolate-brown carbohydrate as well as grated cheddar.

I am submitting this to Mary Of a Pepper's Love

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