Love To Bake Chocolate Streusel Java Cake

** Cheeky grin**

Why such a title?
This is a cake…
this is a bread….
This is a cake….
I don’t know!!!!!

** Serious look**

Okok. Seriously I am confused too. The actual refer of this is Danish Chocolate Streusel Coffee Cake.
I am really confused, there’s no Danish pastry inwards there, doesn’t hold off similar a cake at all here, non a bit. So let’s accept it every bit a bread. Or is in that place anyone that tin reply me why is this affair called a cake. I mean value same goes for all the questions regarding why is banana cake commonly called banana bread. Oh, this i I tin answer, cos banana cake is considered a quick bread, leavened yesteryear baking powders/sodas instead of yeast. But why is this Chocolate Streusel Coffee Cake called a cake as well as non a bread???? Anyone out there???

But who cares what the refer is… of import is it’s YUMMY!!!!
The texture is thence soft, the choc streusel’s heavenly. And the best is I solely knead it yesteryear manus for 10 minutes!!!! The finally fourth dimension I baked staff of life was to a greater extent than than a twelvemonth ago, inwards my collection of Sweet Buns. I was thence into the sweetness bun thingy, that I wanted to actually acquire how to brand soft sweetness buns, as well as I made it every few days until I actually got the hang of the kneading process. thirty minutes yesteryear hand, my friends.. thirty minutes. When I finally got it, I said, no to a greater extent than sweetness buns… for an indefinite current of time. My arms were really tired.

And now, my staff of life kneading has come upward out of it’s hibernation because of this site as well as was taken to the recipes-danish-chocolate-streusel-swirled-coffee-cake.html">original recipe. I changed the recipe a bit, both ingredients as well as method (slightly only). My hubby is no fan of cinnamon, thence I used vanilla inwards both the cake?? as well as streusel.


Cake dough … non staff of life dough …LOL 
125ml milk
1 empty vanilla pod (seeds scraped for streusel filling)
1 as well as ½ tsp dry out yeast
30ml water
Pinch of sugar
80gm butter (salted), slightly softened
40gm sugar
1 egg + 1 egg yolk
Small pinch of salt
350gm all purpose flour

1. Bring milk as well as vanilla pod to a boil. Leave to cool downwards to warm.
2. While milk is cooling down, proof yeast amongst H2O as well as pinch of carbohydrate until really frothy.
3. Beat butter as well as carbohydrate until pale as well as light.
4. Beat inwards egg yolk, as well as thence the whole egg until good incorporated.
5. Beat inwards ¼ of the flour. Then 1/3 of the milk. Beat until smooth
6. Repeat footstep five twice. Give it a practiced beating for ii minutes.
7. Beat inwards the yeast mixture as well as the finally ¼ of flour.
8. Transfer to your kneading tabular array or basin as well as give it a practiced knead for 10 minutes yesteryear manus until polish as well as elastic. (you tin usage your machine, of course, but it won’t 10 minutes, five or vi volition do)
9. Place inwards a buttered bowl, plow to coat, as well as encompass amongst plastic roll or a damp tea towel, acquire out to proof until double inwards size for close 1 hr (I simply dumped the whole basin into my cool oven to proof)
10. Meanwhile produce the streusel.

Streusel Filling
70gm carbohydrate
Vanilla seeds from 1 vanilla pod
ii Tbsp all purpose flour
1 Tbsp cocoa powder
25gm melted butter

Pulse everything inwards a nutrient processor except butter. (Or if you lot don’t receive got a nutrient processor but solely a blender similar me, mix cocoa pulverization as well as flour together amongst a spoon until good combined. Pulse carbohydrate as well as vanilla seeds inwards the manufactory for a few seconds. Combine carbohydrate as well as flour mixture.) Drizzle melted butter over prepared dry out ingredients as well as mix until good combined similar fine chocolate crumbs. Leave aside until use.

1 egg white beaten until frothy
Almond slices

1. When dough, has risen to double inwards size, punch downwards as well as give it a practiced knead for 1-2 minutes. Leave it to sit down for five minutes.
2. Roll out dough into a rectangle close 10X14 inch. Spread streusel mixture on top evenly,. Roll upward dough as well as position dough seam side downwards on your lined baking tray.
3. With build clean abrupt scissors, snip ¾ inch intervals along the roll, cutting through ¾ of the dough only.
4. Start amongst i end, describe i piece of cutting piece as well as twist it to the right. Take to a greater extent than or less other cutting piece as well as twist it to the left of the roll. Cut surfaces facing up. Repeat amongst all the the cutting slices.
5. Leave to proof inwards a warm house for to a greater extent than or less other 45 minutes or until doubled upward again.
6. Preheat oven at 180C
7. Brush the loaves amongst the beaten egg white as well as sprinkle amongst almond flakes.
8. Put inwards preheated oven , unopen the door as well as forthwith plow downwards the temperature to 160C. Bake for 30-35 minutes until golden brown.

After reading through, produce you lot receive got the reply why this is called a cake?
I gauge it’s due to the creaming method used inwards the before purpose of the recipe. Still… it’s really much a staff of life inwards my eyes. So, it'll live categorised at staff of life inwards my blog.

If you lot produce non receive got access to vanilla beans, you lot tin either follow the master copy recipe that uses cinnamon or simply substitute amongst to a greater extent than or less vanilla extract. Please banking concern annotation that the cake/bread dough is soft as well as tacky, but non really sticky.

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