Love To Bake Curry Fish Head

Brother inwards police describe is coming over for dinner tonight(as on the twenty-four hours I made this) as well as he ever brings dorsum some rice for FIL every bit well. And Mike reminded me to gear upwardly something that FIL volition eat.

Hah! What my FIL eats is non ever something MIL volition approve of. She may survive inwards the States, but she's ever reading my blog, kekekeke.

But anyway, I cooked his favourite this time, fish caput curry, every bit I accept a fish caput as well as a fish tail inwards the freezer, an aubergine, some leftover beans from the Nasi Goreng Kampung as well as some large juicy organic tomatoes 

But,I forgot to weigh my fish!!!!
Anyway, I  merely made an estimation of size using the palms of your hands.

1 fish caput addition some of the belly almost the size of my palm, split upwardly the belly from the caput into serving sizes
1 fish tail almost the length of my palm (and that does non include the tail fin), cutting into 1 inch thick pieces
1 aubergine (big if y'all similar more, minor if y'all similar it less), cutting into ii inch lengths as well as quatered
five pcs of long beans (cut into iii inch lengths)
1 large ruby onion (cut into 8)
five okra, cutting into ii or iii pieces each
1 large tomato, cutting into 8
ii lemon grass (4 inches from the base, smashed)
25gm fish curry pulverization (I used 1 minor pack of Adabi fish curry powder)
200ml thick kokosnoot milk
½ Tbsp tabular array salt to taste
iii pieces of turmeric leaves, sliced thinly for sprinkling (I added this for fun every bit I accept them inwards the fridge)

To survive set down into a paste
50gm shallots (3 if large, five if small)
ii cloves garlic
half-dozen dried chillies, deseeded, soaked til soft
Thumbsized peeled ginger

1. Heat a wok on high heat. Put inwards iii Tbsp oil. Put inwards aubergines as well as toss it few times, spread it merely about on the wok as well as allow it nestling for a while, tossing it every 20 seconds. Cook the aubergine for almost 1 minute. Next pose inwards the onions(the aubergines are notwithstanding inwards there, merely mix them together). Toss as well as spread merely about the wok again, tossing it every 20 seconds for 1 minute. Finally the long beans. Toss as well as spread merely about the wok again, tossing it every 20 seconds for 1 minute. Your aubergines, onions as well as long beans volition survive really fragrant this way. Dish upwardly as well as laid aside.
2. Heat wok on medium heat, pose inwards iii Tbsp oil. Put inwards the set down glue as well as nestling until fragrant as well as slightly dry. Then pose inwards curry powder. Fry for a acre until fragrant. Turn to depression heat.
3. Put inwards ii Tbsp of kokosnoot cream (skimmed from the come about of the kokosnoot milk). Cook until the whiteness disappears. Then pose inwards the lemon grass as well as nestling for a while. Turn dorsum to high heat.
4. Put inwards iii cups of water, dissolve the fragrant paste. Put inwards fish pieces as well as tomato.
5. Bring to a boil as well as and thence pose inwards the precooked vege. Simmer for 10 minutes. (try non to stir the curry likewise much, else y'all volition interruption upwardly the fish)
6. Put inwards kokosnoot milk as well as tabular array salt to taste. Put inwards okra. Simmer for some other five minutes.
7. Dish up, sprinkle amongst shredded turmeric leaves as well as serve.

So, create y'all similar it caput or tails???

Flip a money as well as meet which business office y'all 'll larn on y'all plate of rice.

In the end, FIL got the tail, BIL got the most fleshy part, Mike got the fish bellies, as well as I took the some other fleshy business office as well as ii heads!!!!

The whole dish was hard to complete up!!!! There was thence much to eat!!!!!
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: