Perfect “Dry-Brined” Pork Chops – Come Upwards For The Oxymoron, Remain For The Juicy Meat

I’ve wanted to attain a video on “dry-brining” for a spell now, as well as was reminded of that fact afterward of late seeing a friend’s weblog post service on the subject. That friend would hold upward the lovely as well as talented, Jennifer Yu, who publishes the blog, Use Real Butter.

Seeing those juicy pork chops inward her post service inspired this video, which features 1 of my favorite getting-meat-ready-for-the-grill techniques of all time. If yous tin telephone telephone sprinkling common salt on pork chops, a “technique,” as well as for the purposes of this post, nosotros will. 

By the way, if this looks familiar, it should. We’ve used this play tricks earlier inward previous videos, but simply never called it “dry-brining,” to a greater extent than oft than non because that’s non a thing. By definition, a “brine” is a liquid, but since this contains the same active ingredients, as well as has the same effect, nosotros don’t allow a nipper special similar no H2O brand it our way.

I could become into a long, scientific explanation of what precisely happens here, but instead I’ll supply a link to this great article on Serious Eats, yesteryear J. Kenji López-Alt. Jen used his cookbook, The Food Lab, every bit a guide, as well as and then we’ll shipping yous his means for all the pertinent details.

While our friend Kenji volition attain a much ameliorate undertaking explaining the scientific discipline behind this magical method, I intend I did a decent undertaking inward the video explaining how wonderfully this works. As long every bit yous don’t horribly overcook your meat, this “dry-brine” technique volition attain the juiciest, as well as near flavorful pork chops you’ve ever had.

So, a large give thank yous you to Jennifer for inspiring us, too every bit to Kenji for inspiring her. With peak grilling flavor correct to a greater extent than or less the corner, I actually attain promise yous laissez passer this amazingly uncomplicated play tricks a sweat soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for iv large pork chops:
2 tablespoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly soil dark pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- Mix as well as apply generously to both sides of the chops. Let “brine” uncovered inward the refrigerator for 18-24 hours. Some state yous tin attain this inward less time, but I’ve ever allow it become at to the lowest degree overnight.
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