Love To Bake Oreo Chiffon Cake

I wanted to crusade out this novel pan that I’ve got. I didn’t know what this pan was for, but the curved base of operations attracted me to purchase this. So, the twenty-four hr menstruation earlier I made this, I looked as well as looked at the pan, wondering if I tin forcefulness out invert it afterwards baking, the removable base of operations was pocket-size as well as inwards the middle alone as well as amongst a curved base, I tin forcefulness out scrape the sides of the cake if I can’t teach it out, as well as amongst a removable base, in that place won’t hold out condensation problems…

Hmm.. hence what chiffon flavours tin forcefulness out I crusade out this time? I lazy to piece of employment out as well as purchase stuff.. Yeah!!! I recall I saw an Oreo Chiffon cake earlier inwards Cherry Potato’s blog, yeah!!! That’ll hold out it. And I bring a underground of oreo at home. Perfect!!!

True enough, yup, the chiffon cake stayed put, as well as here’s how it looked similar afterwards I got it out from the pan. There’s an indentation there, but hey, that’s ok… compared to having a hole inwards the middle.. when i uses a underground pan. But I demand to practise taking it out from the pan.

I hence decided to mask its ugliness past times giving it around makeup. Slather on around foundation as well as dabble on lots of powder, tadah!!!! Pretty leh!!!!

Oreo Chiffon Cake Recipe

65gm oreo (half a regular tube), lightly pulverized together amongst cream

five egg yolks
50gm sugar
60gm milk
60gm corn oil
100gm cake flour, sifted

(C )
five egg whites
½ tsp cream of tartar or 1 tsp lemon/lime juice
60gm sugar

1. Preheat oven at 160/180C.
2. Mix yolks as well as saccharide together. Then lay inwards the crude oil as well as milk. Then the sifted flour. Combine amongst a whisk until smooth. (Do non whisk or trounce but merely combine)
3. Beat egg whites until frothy, lay inwards cream of tartar as well as trounce until soft peaks. Put inwards saccharide gradually as well as trounce until stiff.
4. Fold ¼ of egg whites into (2) as well as hence around other ¼ of egg whites.
5. Pour egg yolk batter into the remaining egg whites as well as plication (no demand to hold out likewise thorough).
6. Put inwards pulverized oreos as well as plication until good combined.
7. Pour into a build clean ungreased underground pan (22 or 25cm volition hold out fine) as well as bake for 45 minutes.
8. Invert at nowadays upon removal from oven. Wait for it to cool downwards totally earlier removing cake from pan.

Oh..... this is real delicious!!! Thanks Cherry Potato!!!!

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