Love To Bake Fish Satar, Kelantan Style- Mff Kelantan #8

I had Satar many times before.
Flaky fish parcels that bursts amongst sweetness from the kokosnoot in addition to onions.
It's origins are from Terengganu. But they are sold close everywhere nowadays.

When I went to Pantai Bachok inwards Kota Bahru, I saw this satar stall in addition to every bit usual, I volition purchase some. To my surprise, in that place was a mash subdivision inwards it, in addition to it was green! I asked the lady what was the greenish mash in addition to was told it was H2O convolvulus or locally known every bit kangkung. Being the inquisitive me, I asked whether this was Kelantan's agency in addition to she happily said YES.

I detect it difficult to forget... crunchy, juicy in addition to fragrant. I dearest it

I tried to replicate it in addition to I'm glad mine tasted alright, only sadly without the smoky fragrance every bit mine were oven grilled. The texture was soft in addition to flaky, dissimilar fishballs were nosotros await them to live on  bouncy in addition to real smooth. And they were juicy. Not spicy. But I intend I should piece of employment to a greater extent than shallots.
I every bit good chose to piece of employment aquatic kangkung every bit these grow on H2O in addition to are known to convey crunchier stems.

Kelantan Fish Satar
past times WendyinKK

100gm fish flesh (from 250gm fresh sardines)
ii shallots
1 pocket-size spell of ginger (7gm)
1/2 reddish chilli
60gm freshly grated coconut
1 tsp asam pulp mixed amongst 50gm water, rubbed to dissolve.
1/2 tsp tabular array salt in addition to or hence dark pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
four sprigs of aquatic kangkung

half-dozen pcs of banana leafage (6X6inches)

1. Pound shallots in addition to ginger until pasty, hence add together inwards chilli in addition to coarsely pound it. Remove all these in addition to gear upward aside
2. Put inwards kokosnoot together amongst fish. Add inwards salt, sugar, pepper in addition to asam H2O in addition to mix until combined.
3. Thinly spell kangkung in addition to mix it in. It's is straightaway create for wrapping.
4. Wilt banana leafage over opened upward flaming or blanch it inwards boiling water.
5. Fold banana leafage into quarters in addition to opened upward up a pocket. Fill inwards i heaped Tbsp of fish mixture. Press the mixture to fill upward the corner on the bottom. Fold the move past times to closed up.
6. Grill at 220(fan forced) or 240C for fifteen minutes until the parcels unloose juices in addition to the leaves kickoff to  char.

*Traditional recipes telephone band for pounding, only I used my chopper to produce all the pounding work, amongst the same sequence.

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