Love To Bake Former Hen Rendang Amongst Puding Leafage Rendang Ayam Pencen Daun Puding - Mff N9 #4

I but made this few days dorsum because afterward I discovered this leafage was available at my neighbour's I wasn't costless to sweat it out, because I had to acquire an sometime hen. The local lingo calls it "Pensioned Chicken" because it has retired from its egg laying job.

I mean value most of y'all may non live familiar amongst the puding leaf. Generally, inwards Malaysia the puding works life is  the garden croton. When I starting fourth dimension posted that I works life the puding leafage on Facebook, I was asked questions whether I was refering to the garden croton. But inwards Negeri Sembilan, puding works life is not, it is a magenta leafed works life that is from the same identify unit of measurement every bit edible Amaranth (Yeen choy, Bayam). Some practise works life it for ornamental purposes because of the color contrast it gives to the landscape. This puding works life is used to create rendang, some dish that  you tin dismiss exclusively detect inwards this state

This rendang uses a lot of lemongrass. Depending on which recipe i refers to, some telephone phone for 10, some seven pieces of lemongrass. But of the few I saw, it was betwixt 7-10 pieces for 1 pensioned chicken. Galangal was also heavier than the regular chicken rendang recipes. Coconut was also to a greater extent than liberally used. Rendang made amongst regular marketplace chicken needs less than 1 hr to cook, but this... this sometime chicken, I cooked it for 2.5 hours for it to live tender. But together with hence again, the meat texture has to a greater extent than 'substance' so, it's worth the time. Flavour is also better. That's why the Chinese uses this type of chicken to boil soups, it tin dismiss suffer all the simmering to convey out the wonderful flavours.

I made i fault amongst this dish, I made it also dry. Before I added all the puding leaves in, I cooked two pieces of it piece the rendang was even hence simmering amongst a lot of liquids. It tasted similar goji leaves, the type that nosotros usage to brand goji leafage soup. I lead keep tried cooking goji leaves inwards other agency together with they ever plough out undesirable because the texture of the leafage changes. It turns chewy together with dry.
The same affair happened amongst the puding leaves. They turned chewy when I added them inwards when the rendang turned dry. BIG MISTAKE! It didn't sense of savor the same similar when I cooked the two pieces earlier. Those two pieces were delicious!

Lesson learnt together with I shall non repeat it.

I also works life out my fav kokosnoot milk stall at the marketplace makes their ain kerisik. Usually I don't purchase because I worry that it's rancid. This stall, their kokosnoot milk lasts longer than 24 hours chilled, sometimes I proceed two days together with it's even hence ok. Usually non treated kokosnoot milk spoils pretty quickly, some inside hours (even when chilled). It all depends on hygiene during grooming together with how they are kept. So, if their milk is hence long lasting.... I mean value I tin dismiss purchase some fragrant kerisik from them.

Old Hen Rendang amongst Puding Leaf Rendang Ayam Pencen Daun Puding
Recipe reference: Ana

1 sometime hen (approximately 1.1kg)
two pcs asam gelugor
iii lemon grass, bruised
500gm pure kokosnoot milk
iii Tbsp toasted pounded kokosnoot (kerisik)
two tsp salt
two large handful of puding leaves

Blend to a paste
10 shallots
iii clove garlic
six lemongrass
10 dried chillies
fifteen bird’s oculus chilli
60gm peeled galangal
30gm peeled ginger
15gm peeled turmeric
two cups water

1. Chop sometime hen into large pieces. Bring two cups of H2O + asam gelugor+bruised lemongrass to boil together with position inwards chicken pieces. Bring dorsum to a boil together with lower to a simmer.
2. Prepare glue ingredients every bit the chicken simmers. Blend everything to a paste. And pour it onto the simmering chicken.
3. Bring the pot dorsum to a boil together with lower to simmer for two hours. Lid on.
4. Put inwards kokosnoot milk together with salt. Use medium estrus together with cut the gravy until it’s similar thick soup.
5. Put inwards kerisik together with puding leaves, gently stir together with permit it wilts. Cook until desired dryness.

picture of the works life before I close balded it

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