Love To Bake Fried Daylily Buds 炸鲜金针-Mff Pahang #7

The terminal of MFF Pahang entries, I think.

Fried daylily buds is a street nutrient that yous tin notice at Brinchang Night Market inward Cameron Highlands.

Local create are beingness fried inward batter similar tempura in addition to eaten equally snacks. Oyster mushrooms and daylilies in addition to sometimes I run across strips of sugariness spud too. There mightiness endure new varieties of fried vegetables at i time equally it's been years since I terminal went. Before I had Lyanne, nosotros range become at that topographic point rattling often, few times inward a year. Sometimes nosotros but displace upwards for tea in addition to thus displace downwards hill.

Daylilies are a mutual element inward Chinese cuisine, but commonly sold inward dried form, that nosotros fondly telephone telephone equally 'Kam Cham" 金针 or golden needle. In Cameron Highlands, they are cultivated and harvested for fresh consumption. If yous were to accept a displace from Brinchang to Blue Valley, at that topographic point are lots of daylilies growing yesteryear the side of the road.

I don't intend yous tin notice fried daylilies anywhere else (I mightiness endure wrong) and range hand this a try. You tin usage whatever batter yous like, close tempura like, but non that thick of coating.Fresh daylilies are easily available at supermarkets

Fried Day Lily Buds
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Tasted in addition to recreated from experience

100gm fresh daylily buds
Oil for frying

75gm rice flour
25gm all operate flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
125ml water
1/4 tsp tabular array salt or u tin usage chicken stock powder

1. Wash lily buds in addition to permit it air dry out until it's no longer wet.
2. Prepare batter yesteryear combining all the ingredients. Let it sit down for thirty minutes.
3. Heat petroleum inward wok/saucepan.
4. Mix lily buds inward batter in addition to lay each lily bud into the hot oil.
5. Fry until it is lgihtly golden in addition to crispy.
6. Serve warm amongst or thus chilli sauce.

Day Lilies inward total bloom
Picture source: Two Nerdy History Girls

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