Love To Bake Homemade Yee Sang Sauce - Kumquat #3 自造鱼生酱

My solid unit of measurement never eats out during Chinese New Year, due to the heavily inflated toll that is oftentimes called equally crazy. Hence, I never ate 'yee sang' until I was 16, too I went out alongside friends for dinner during this festive period. I felt it was delicious, but chickened at eating raw fish, that was long ago..... instantly I consume sashimi similar a shark.

For those who select no thought what is 'yee sang', it's a festive Chinese Salad that is made upwards of raw fish (shashimi) tossed alongside fine strips of vegetables too crisps inwards a sweetness too sourish dressing. It's a pop Chinese New Year's Day dish inwards both Malaysia too Singapore. During the tossing, 1 should state all the overnice things, wishing everybody prosperity too everything that is good. The higher you lot toss, the ameliorate it is. So, it tin instruct kinda messy if you lot select friends similar mine, who likes to state non sensical things during the tossing too thus the laughing too subsequent mess. LOL.

this shot has a sure enough experience that I love.... the hands of my elderberry daughter adds a particular touching on to it

During my 10 years inwards KL, I select eaten quite a release of times of yee sang too each fourth dimension I seem to dread it. The argue was... at that topographic point was much less fresh vege too equally good much dressing! Plus the dressing inwards KL seems to endure really sweet. The gustation is non the same, too the color seems pale. I can't break whatever fruitiness inwards it, it's all most sweeeeeeeeet, too that's all. I won't identify this persuasion on all restaurants inwards Klang Valley, but somehow... it could endure the few places I come about to become to.

I select never made yee sang sauce before, but I knew it's plum sauce alongside kumquats. I thought of doing it only similar that this twelvemonth to weblog about. But when I cooked the crimson cooked duck alongside kumquats, it dawned upon me that the kumquat plum combination has a missing element too that is Haw. It is this haw that gave the dressing the zing, this haw that gave the brownish dressing I grew upwards eating that reddish tinge.

And so I came upwards alongside this ... it only brings dorsum lot of teenage memories... the fruity gustation is how I similar it to be.

Homemade Yee Sang Sauce
Recipe source: WendyinKK

25gm dried hawthorn (seedless) 山楂
50gm kumquat
2 pickled plums
150gm stone sugar
1.5 cups water

1. Bring H2O to boil inwards a small-scale pot. Rinse dried haw too lay them into the boiling water. Lower to a simmer for one-half an hour.
2. Meanwhile, one-half kumquats too take away the seeds, cutting the kumquat into small-scale pieces. After thirty minutes, lay the kumquat too stone saccharide into the pot.
3. Remove seed from pickled plums too lay the plum flesh into the pot.
4. Cook until the kumquat looks translucent.
5. Blend everything to a fine sauce. (I utilisation a mitt immersion blender, if you're using jug blender, allow it cool downward to warm earlier blending)
6. Cook the sauce until it resembles the consistency of honey. (It volition thicken slightly upon cooling down)

*If kumquats are big, utilisation 70gm instead because large ones volition yield less rind alongside the same weight. Less rind, less flavour.

the total amount from the recipe

I made the 'yee sang' terminal black to exam this 'sauce' too tossed it alongside my extended family. They gave me expert feedback, too requested me to brand this for the reunion dinner. What I used : Daikon, carrot, crimson capsicum, yellowish capsicum, coriander, restrict onion, pickled ginger, pickled onion (to supercede kiu tau), grapefruit arils (in identify of pomelo arils) too crispy wanton wrappers. I had prawn crackers unphotographed because this was shot 2 hours earlier dinner time. I didn't desire the cracker to lose its crispiness.

For the dressing, I used shallot oil, pepper, v spice powder, toasted peanut nibs, toasted sesame too terminal but non least, my homemade yee sang sauce. I genuinely forgot lime... but so nevermind.. it's ok.

I chose non to utilisation those coloured crispy noodles. This version is vibrant plenty for me. To me, I similar the pungency of the pickled ginger too onions (original is kiu tau), too I won't skip these two.

I genuinely made triple the daikon too double the carrots than shown here, due to photography purposes, I arranged them this way, almost equal visually. But it gustation ameliorate alongside to a greater extent than fresh vegetables.

Ok then, I got to scoot to KL instantly too endure at that topographic point for tomorrow's for my start always world baking demonstration for QBB Ghee.
See you lot at that topographic point at Midvalley Convention Center 2-4pm.

This is the booth that I'll endure at.

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: