Love To Bake Huckleberry Yogurt Mousse Cake - Mousse Cake #3

If you lot don’t similar yogurt you lot volition HATE this cake. That was the reaction given to me past times my brother’s neighbour’s kid. “Yucks, this cake tasted horrible!”. Well, afterwards my mom told me, this man child doesn’t fifty-fifty swallow cheese on his pizza. Ok, together with thus that explains it.

Another kid exclaimed to my niece when she saw the cake , “Eh, why your cake has null one”. I intend they are pretty used to elaborately topped cakes from local bakeries. Some bakeries hither volition role plastic toppers similar toys together with such to visually elevate it. Adults instead constitute this deco to live elegant together with beautiful.

Well, my niece has turned 9, together with she is the type that prefers uncomplicated designs rather than anything that looks elaborate together with this cake is for her. Her sis volition prefer to a greater extent than colourful stuff.

When the cake was cutting together with served, it wasn't good recieved past times the kids. But my sis inward constabulary loved this cake. She told me, 1 of her favourites from the other cakes I've made, that she's eaten before. LOL. The occupation was, the cake wasn’t chilled good plenty when it was served earlier, together with thus it was pretty wobbly together with mousse cakes are horrible when non properly chilled. She had 1 slice after the kids were gone together with the cake was much improve set.
It was a political party held at home, together with imagine how many times the fridge’s door was opened together with closed. Hence, the cake softened upwards when it was finally served together with the refrigerator wasn’t that mutual coldness equally good on a hot night, mid Feb is a killer time.

Nowadays, I’ve been baking sponge cakes without a referred recipe.. simply throwing inward what I felt similar it. This is the recipe I concocted this time. I vanquish inward the flour, milk together with stone oil on depression speed. It is nonetheless soft together with fluffy.

Blueberry Yogurt Mousse Cake
Recipe created past times : WendyinKK

Sponge Cake
v Eggs (grade B), room temperature
100gm sugar
100gm cake flour sifted alongside ½ tsp baking powder
two Tbsp milk + 1 tsp vanilla extract
two Tbsp vegetable oil

1. Preheat oven at 150C(fan)/170C. Line the base of operations of a ix inch pan.
2. Beat eggs together with saccharide until ribbon phase ( stand upwards mixer v mins, manus mixer 10 minutes on high speed)
3. Remove 60% the beaten eggs into some other bowl.
4. With mixer on depression speed, mix inward flour past times the tablespoon. When all the flour is incorporated, mix inward milk mixture. Then mix inward stone oil until good combined. The mixture is partially deflated but non totally flat.
5. Pour the reserved beaten eggs inward together with plication until good incorporated.
6. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, floor it together with bake for 25 minutes or until done.
7. Leave to cool inward pan for most thirty minutes (elevated on a rack until slightly warm). Loosen the sides together with invert the cake out onto the rack together with move out it t cool downward totally. (cake is 4cm thick)
8. Slice cake into four layers together with reduce each layer to gibe an 8 inch ring. (Cake volition live most 8.5 inch after cooling. Keep cake covered all the fourth dimension before fourth dimension of assembly to forestall drying out.

Sliced sponge cake
Blueberry Gelee
Blueberry Yogurt Mousse
Yogurt Mousse Coating
Blueberries for decoration
Mint sprigs for decoration.
8 together with ix inch cake ring
eleven inch cake board

1. Prepare an 8 inch ring. Line the within of the squall upwards alongside either non stick baking newspaper or cling wrap. Place cake squall upwards onto a eleven inch cake board.
2. Place 1 layer of cake into the cake squall upwards together with pour one-half the huckleberry mousse in. Level the mousse.
3. Take some other slice of cake together with spread 1 Tbsp of the mousse on it. Place it cream side upwards inward ring.
4. Remove gelee from freezer, pare away the plastic roll together with lay the gelee into the pan.
5. Take the tertiary slice of cake together with spread 1 Tbsp of mousse on it. Place it cream side downward onto the gelee. Gently press the cake to fifty-fifty out.
6. Pour residual of mousse inward together with exceed alongside lastly slice of cake. Gently press to fifty-fifty out.
7. Chill for iii hours minimum before the side past times side step.
8. Remove cake from refrigerator together with take cake squall upwards together with liners. Place a ix inch cake squall upwards some cake.
9. Put yogurt mousse into a pipage bag, snip the goal together with squirt the mousse to fill upwards up the sides first. Lastly pour the mousse over the cake together with spread to level.
10. Chill the whole cake for 1 hour. Arrange blueberries deco on top(gently press in) together with chill for some other four hours.
11. When it’s fourth dimension to take the ring, ready a towel together with moisture it alongside some real very hot water. Pick upwards the towel together with roll it some the cake squall upwards for 3-5 seconds. (how long depends on how hot the towel is). If the squall upwards tin live moved together with turned, the sides induce got been released together with elevator upwards the ring. (You tin role a blowdryer, but it takes upwards a much longer time, upwards to 10 minutes to discover the pan)
12. Decorate alongside mint leaves together with identify the cake dorsum into the refrigerator until fourth dimension to serve.

Blueberry gelee
(Do this pace acre the cake is baking)

125gm blueberries
250gm water
iii Tbsp saccharide (amount depends on sweetness of blueberries)
50gm water
¾ Tbsp gelatin

1. Put blueberries, H2O together with saccharide into a saucepan. Bring to a boil together with lower to a simmer until blueberries are haemorrhage together with getting all mushy.
2. While waiting for the blueberries to cook, position H2O into a large criterion loving cup (or a two loving cup capacity bowl volition move simply equally fine). Sprinkle gelatin over the H2O together with allow it sit down to bloom.
3. When the huckleberry is done cooking, identify a strainer over the gelatin together with pour the blueberries together with syrup over. Press the berries together with reserve the scraps for the mousse layer.
4. Remove the strainer together with gently stir the gelee mixture. Taste, if non sweetness enough, add together to a greater extent than sugar. You should induce got most 350ml of gelee.
5. Line a 8 inch circular pan alongside cling wrap, build certain you lot induce got overlaps to ease lifting up. Pour the gelee solution into the lined pan. Freeze it until fourth dimension of assembly. (If it has partially frozen past times the time, it’s ok. Gelatin based jelly when thawed won’t lose its construction different agar)


Blueberry Yogurt Mousse

100gm blueberries
3Tbsp saccharide (might require to a greater extent than later)
Scraps from the huckleberry gelee
300gm evidently yogurt (I used Dutch Lady, different brands different floor of sourness)
300gm dairy whipping cream
two Tbsp sugar
¾ Tbsp gelatin
two Tbsp water

1. Cook blueberries alongside saccharide until the color starts to bleed (or u tin zap them inward microwave for twenty seconds on high, but think to prick each berry)
2. Leave berries to cool downward combine alongside yogurt together with huckleberry scraps. Blitz until the blueberries are fine. Set aside together with proceed chilled.
3. Put two tbsp H2O into a bowl together with sprinkle gelatin in. Melt it either inward the microwave or hot H2O bath. Refer here. Set aside acre you lot whip the cream.
4. Put cream into a chilled bowl together with whip until soft peaks together with position inward saccharide together with whip until medium rigid peaks. Beat inward melted gelatin (remember to scrape every flake of the gelatin in).
5. Pour the huckleberry yogurt into the whipped cream together with fold.
6. Use this to gather the cake correct away.

Yogurt Mousse coating
(prepare alone when it’s fourth dimension to produce the lastly coating, produce non produce this inward advance)

300gm evidently yogurt
300gm whipping cream
50gm saccharide (amount depending on build of yogurt)
¾ Tbsp gelatin
two Tbsp water
1. Put two tbsp H2O into a bowl together with sprinkle gelatin in. Melt it either inward the microwave or hot H2O bath. Refer here. Set aside acre you lot whip the cream.
2. Put cream into a chilled bowl together with whip until soft peaks together with position inward saccharide together with whip until medium rigid peaks. Beat inward melted gelatin (remember to scrape every flake of the gelatin in).
3. Pour the evidently yogurt into the whipped cream together with fold. Taste, add together to a greater extent than saccharide if needed.
4. Use this to coat the cake correct away

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